✧ chapter thirty-one ✧

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All shapes and sizes...

Another three drinks down and Chris and I were enjoying the night as if it was our last. I hadn't even thought about Harry and Luna for a while now, and I was surprisingly not sweaty even though I was wearing a long sleeve dress. So that's a win, a win in my books.

I was currently dancing with Miles, Niall and Chris. Niall was absolutely hilarious with his dance moves, however I can't tell if it was the alcohol in me making me laugh or the alcohol in him making him dance so funny.

The tingling sensation was making me feel some kind of way, I was feeling myself hard and really wasn't thinking about the possible eyes that were on me.

I was hanging out with a few more girls and guys, laughing and having a blast. Chris hollered me over to me not long after I lost him for about 20 minutes.

I sashayed over towards him and folded my arms. "What's up boo?" I asked him.

"I'm bout to look for a snack. You're my eyes girl, do you see anyone that seems like my type?" He chuckled. Chris and I have repeatedly talked about his inability to pick out good matches- and his bad taste in men, so I laughed at him and scanned around the room.

"He's cute? Maybe you should try and talk to him." I averted his gaze to look over at a guy mingling with two other people. His hair was cut short on the sides and he had a heap of bleached curly locks sitting on the top part of his head. Not like an Afro, just droopy. He wore a midriff yellow shirt with black skinny jeans and her sported a single pierced ear. He was a vibe.

"Girl... he's actually cute." He raised his brows and widened his eyes. "So, where's your man candy gone?" He questioned.

I groaned loudly, swaying in my stance slightly. "Who knows. Haven't seen him since I almost threw up in my mouth after the Luna moment." I shrugged.

"So what you're just gonna make me feel like I'm ditching you because my man candy is there and you're not bothered to find yours?" He folded his arms and gave me a look.

"Hey, he's not my man candy." I folded my arms as well and mocked his stance.

"What the fuck yes he I-" He cut himself off and smirked, I frowned at his sudden cheekiness and waited for him to continue. "You're right. He's not your man candy, you're his women candy. Like who am I kidding... he's eaten you out and you haven't sucked him off- so how would you know if he's 'just like candy'. Like that Doja Cat song lol."

I allowed my jaw to drop and slap his shoulder playfully, making him his in pain and grasp said shoulder.

"Really? I barely skimmed your skin." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not wrong." He sing-songed. I shrugged playfully and huffed. So far Chris was the only one who knew about that little sexy-time moment that Harry and I had. I didn't plan on telling anyone else, just because I don't want it to slip out and spread throughout the school. Like what would everyone think? A freshmen and a senior? Like yes on the outside we could seem kind of close I guess... but because of Noah it would seem like more protective. Little did they know...

"Speaking of the devil." He giggled, gesturing to the corner of the room where Harry was talking to Louis. "Go get him tiger- so I can make a move on my future man."

I rolled my eyes at him and was pushed off towards Harry. He was at the other end of the room so when Chris wasn't staring I could've escaped without being seen. That also entails that I'm not seen by Louis or Harry as well.

"Oh Ariana! Hi!" Louis waved and called to me from the other side of the room. Goddamn... I smiled and waved awkwardly, looking around for an escape. Louis waved me over and I immediately groaned internally and trudged over to the pair. Harry hadn't really been analysing my oncoming presence in comparison to normal, so with a slight frown I walked over and stood near the pair.

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