✧ chapter three ✧

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Lots of introductions

All the boys came up to me one by one, some were nice, some were VERY hot, some talked about what they like and their major in school and others just introduced themselves to me. The guys who were more suggestive to me earned themselves a horrifying death glare from Noah. Dumbasses.

I noticed a couple were gay, which was surprising. I think I could get close in a friend way to a couple of them, like Chris- the guy I presume as gay, Miles and Niall. Being friends with some of the guys here would for sure make my stay more enjoyable.

After the meeting finished and introductions ended, Noah called me over. I walked up to him with a raised eyebrow.

"With the party tomorrow, I'd rather you stay in your room." He tells me, I scrunch my eyebrows and look at him confusedly.

"The one Seth discussed in the meeting...?" He continued. Oh. Whoops.

"Let's pretend I didn't pay attention and you just quickly explain it again?" I ask, giving him a quick smile.

Noah roles his eyes at me and smiles sweetly. "Yep, definitely still my little sister." He chuckles lightly. "Anyway, Seth explained we are having a party here tomorrow night as a kinda like continuous 'letting loose party' before we go back to school. So every Saturday for the next four weeks we will have a party here to get our minds off school getting back." He explains. "And I want you to stay in your room."

"No fucking way." I shrug and walk off.

"I'm not kidding Ariana." He warns.

"I know. I'm going, sorry. This is my life and in case you forgot I'm going into my first year of this school as well so you can stop." I tell him, walking off.

"Ari..." He scorns, I ignore him and walk into the kitchen.

Noah gives up and shakes his head at me, walking upstairs towards I presume his room.

I decide to make something, I look around the kitchen and take out some eggs, avocado, spices and bread. I quickly check the use by dates on the food- as I don't trust the boys to ever check or care.

I take a pan and put it on the stove, I mash half an avocado and mix the spices in, I crack an egg to be fried on the pan and put a piece of bread in the toaster.

"Thank god he's gone huh." Zayn comes up next to me. He wraps his arm around me and turns to meet my glare.

"What is it princess?" He whispers huskily into my ear. Goosebumps rise up on my skin as I snap out of my trance, pushing his arm off me and moving away.

"Okay Zayn, two things. One, my egg is gonna burn and I don't have time to deal with your shit. And two, what is with you guys and doing this shit in the kitchen? Like can a girl eat or not?" I ramble, Zayn stares at me for a few seconds before taking my egg off the heat and turning the stove off.

"Problem solved." He shrugs, walking up to me. I walk backwards and collide into the cupboard. Well shit.

Zayn chuckles and walks up to me, holding his hands on either side of me.

"Doesn't change that I still want to eat." I scold, trying to move away from him before he pins me down.

Instinctively, I bring my knee up to hit him in the balls but he blocks my 'attack' with his leg. Oh shit I'm screwed.

"I thought you'd work with me Ari?" He coos. "You're gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble sweetheart."

"And I thought you'd listen to my brother when he threatened to kill anyone who did anything to me." I fire back, trying to wiggle.

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