✧ chapter sixteen ✧

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Parties come with surprises..

Harry's lips were soft. He may have used lip balm? I'm not sure. The shock in my body of his lips on mine froze me into place. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't do any normal human function expect stand there.

His lips began to move with mine, and much to my hatred... I kissed him back. Feeling his lips on mine felt like a breath of fresh air, the air that I didn't want to consume due to my stubbornness and reliance on the stale air of my internal cage.

He moved his lips as his tongue begged for entrance. I granted it to him, still not considering the consequences. The warmth of his tongue made my gut tingle with delight as his hands began to explore my body. I use my own arms to wrap around his neck and rake my fingers into his long locks, tugging them delicate. He grunts in pleasure and deepens the kiss.

Moments later, something in me flicked a switch. I widen my eyes and push him off me. "What am I doing! I need to go." I quickly run away from him and upstairs. I didn't look back as I got to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I felt queezy, super unwell from running all this way. I quickly walked into the bathroom and sat by the toilet as a precaution. To my luck, nothing came up and the uneasy feeling slowly diminished. I got up and walked out of my bathroom, laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. This was my biggest fear, actually enjoying that. Honestly where did my brain go? I strictly told myself boys like Harry were off limits and would hurt me day in and day out. The second his lips are on mine I forgot everything else and he's all I have on my mind.

This can't go on. When I've recovered enough I need to confront him. I took a breather and headed back downstairs. I chose to sit with my brother once I found him at his usual spot on the couch.

"You okay Ariana? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He questions as I shake my head with a smile.

"Nah I'm okay. Just tired. Might also be the alcohol? Who knows." I shrug him off and relax my body into the comfort of the couch.

"How is that possible? You didn't have that much." He begins to grill into me. Oops.

"I'm a lightweight?" I try and convince him. He gives me a look as if he can tell it's a lie but chooses to ignore it. He simply pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Comforted by the new feeling I snuggled into him and closed my eyes.

I hung out with Noah for a few hours, peering around to search for Harry around. It was as if he vanished off the face of the earth. How does that happen?

I'm assuming he went to bed.

I decide later to search around. I was hoping to find Chris, I needed to tell someone about what happened.

After a while of searching I find him dancing with a few guys and waltz over to him. I quickly grab his shoulder and pull him to the side.

"Chris I need to talk to you, in private." I say to him. He chuckles and winks.

"I know I'm irresistible but you're going to have to take it slow sugar lumps." He punches me and laughs.

"Chris." I say sternly. "You're really going to have to sober up for what I'm about to tell you."

"Okay, okay." He shakes his face and slaps his cheeks. "I am now... sober."

He giggled to himself as I give him a look. "Okay I'm sober enough. Look I'm not a fucking magic owl boo."

I give him the benefit of the doubt. "Okay fair enough. Let's go."

I walk him upstairs to my room and lock the door behind us. I quickly walk over to the bed and sit cross legged over the covers. I gesture for him to come over as he hobbles sluggishly over.

Once he sits down I hold his hands and breathe out.

"Chris I fucked up." I groan and rub my eyes. He scrunches his eyebrows at me and looks at me, urging me to continue.

"What do you mean Ari? I'm so confused." Chris started to look worried. I was kind of regretting telling him but I needed to tell someone and he's my best bet.

"No don't be worried, I'm just as confused as you." I take one last deep breath before spilling my secret.

"Harry and I kissed." I said quietly.

Chris's eyes lit up as he jumped up and down screaming. "Oh my gosh! I knew it! I knew it! Holy crap I've been waiting for this for weeks you don't understand holy shit!"

"Chris... Chris!" I attempt to calm and quiet him down. "Chris!" I yell. He quickly closes his mouth and tries to resist a smile.

"I need help, not a cheer squad captain." I groan and rub my eyes. He takes this moment to come closer and wrap his arms around my body.

"You're right." He cuddles me for a while. We sit quietly in comfort as I focus on my breathing and replay the situation constantly in my head. Of course I wanted to just forget and move on but I couldn't.

"What do I do." I groan again after a bit. Chris looks at me and scrunches his eyebrows at me. "So do you like him or not.

I take a breath and think for a second, "Look I don't even know. I know that I don't like the kind of person he is but I guess I'm attracted to him." Chris smiles and I scold him. "I'm being transparent stop."

I rub my hands on my face and shake my head again. "Well? Therapist?" Chris turns to me.

"Okay, there's only a week left till school starts and one more party here until then. Next week if you're still confused and don't really want to talk to him or make anything stop or go further you and I can both ditch next week's party and watch marvel in my room so anyone actually looking for you won't know where to find you-"

"No way Jose, I'm not ruining your party for next week." I cut him off and fold my arms. Of course, with Chris fashion, he rolls his eyes at my response.

"Well, I'm not obsessed with partying I'll have you know, and my gay ass would much rather watch marvel movies then go to another party- which I'll have you know happen a shit tonne here anyway." Chris remarks. I nod my head and gesture for him to continue.

"When we go back to school maybe start conversing with him, however you'd like because you have until then to figure out how you wanna go about this. But then again it depends if you have classes with him." Chris finishes.

"Well I mean he's a senior so I highly doubt that." I fold my arms and sigh. Chris shoots me a 'you never know' look.

"It's been a long night and I think you need some rest." He says after a few moments of silence.

"Damn straight." I rub my eyes and get up to my wardrobe to change into pyjamas. "If you're going back to your room just make sure you lock to door on the way out!" I call to Chris from my closet.

"Will do, and Ari- know some things happen for a reason." Chris hugs me tightly before leaving the room and locking the door.

I run to my bed and jump onto its comfort, looking up at the ceiling as I allow every confusing thought to circle aimlessly through my mind. Why me? Everything is so confusing.

I later fell asleep, dreaming of parallel realities of the situation I'm in, but just different outcomes. And I'll admit some of the outcomes I loved- immensely.

I'm SO sorry I haven't updated. I just had no idea what to write and I was in school finals and now I'm out of school Yee yee. Anyway I'm sorry I'll try my best to update more, I just need a good direction for what I wanna do with this story

More updates soon!

Tash xx

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