chapter 6

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It has been some days since izuku wanted these nomu's abd they were already going to be perfected by garaki and izuku had a plan to send a clone in his place right now izuku is giving a speech to villains and after he was fone he ordered kurogiri to make a portal to the usj and as all of the villains got in first izuku was the last along with his nomu that he called usj nomu.

As they git in izuju saw the class and his clone so he orderd the clone to attack him.

A: 13 protect the students i-midoriya come back!!!!!!!!!!

The clone of izuku charged at the villains and kneed one in the face and used telekinesis to throw some into the fire zone and beated more and more of the 200 villains and the real izuku started clapping.

I: makumo midoriya i'm surprised you took on 200 villains kurogiri.

Kurogiri the warped all of the villains back to their base along with tge villains in the other zones.

I: but you are foolish enough to think that you can hold a candle to me with only one quirk while i have 1000 because of my original quirk all for one say that telekinesis quirk is pretty good after i take yours i'll take teleks quirk.

Izuku points to telek who was standing near midnight and present mic with a look of shock.

I: you know you remind of a kid called izuku yagi if you want to know what happened he's dead not by my hand but by the hand's of 5 people doesn't matter i'll give you a chance to go ba-

Before izuku could finish that the clone elbowed him in the stomach and the punched izuku and so izuku used a telekinesis quirk and held the clone up in the air and seperated his left arm from his body and then threw the clone at the door but aizawa cought the clone in time and placed him down and looked at izuku with hate byt then the doors burst open revealing an angry all might what izuku didn't kniw was that ida went to u.a and told them.

I: all might!! Just tge person i wanted to see and test my new nomu on usj nomu fight all might but don't kill him i want to see something.

The nomu then sent itself to all might and punched him in the stomach(he has one he didn't get his injury but he will)but alk might didn't flinch and punched the nomu four time's ending the last one with an uppercut but luckily after all might came kurogiri stretched his body around the entite usj making one portal next to izuku and it was the nomu.

I: it sesms i need more live test subjects it doesn't matter if i can have a mixing quirk and mix this one with high end then i will have a nomu that rivals you you just wait.

Kurogiru then opened a portal behind izuku and he got inside along with the nomu before all migjt could stop them.

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