chapter 1

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Finally seeing the ugliness of society.

After taking the villains quirk izuku walks home and sees his family paying no attention to him so he just goes up to his all might themed room and what does he do he take's all of it down and sell's and he got the bright idea to be an info breaker he was going to sell info about hero's and villains to anyone who wants to know.(izuku didn't become an info breajer until now)

Timeskip to the mall a day later.

Izuku has been going out alit and going to arcades but then he saw a hero beating a villain to a pulp while the people qere cheering him on and izuku was not happy with it so ge grabbed the villain and ran put of the mall and ran into a closed barber shop.

???: why?

I: what?

???: why did you help me? I'm just a villain.

I: hey just because you're a villain doesn't mean you're not human like me so as far as i see it you need help and i'll be damned if i didn't help you.

???: wait you're that kid that was on the news yesterday.

I: look tell me what's you're quirk belive it or not hair man(stupid name) is right outside.

???: my quirk let's me shoot lasera out of my fingers.

I: that is a good quirk mine can make my body sludge like that villain from yesterday i'll tell you my true quirk if i see you after this but now hair man can make hair generate from his hand and can shoot it out were in a barber store so go look for hair spray.

???: alright.

The villain went and left izuku looking out of the window when the hero came in through the door and izuku threw him to the wall using sludge.

Hm(hair man): finally found the two villains now surrender or die.

I: you know you really opened up my eyes you and all might society is ugly because of people like you.

Hm: oh shut it.

???: HERE!!!!!

the villain threw izuku a hair spray bottle and izuku threw it at the hero who was going to stab him with hair abd it froze him and so izuku went and put his hand on his head but befire taking his quirk.

I: you know hair man you are really pathetic even after the hero's suspended you're license you're still doing hero work and i see that as stupid so to make sure you won't harm anyone why not make you quirkless.

Hm: idiot no one can make someone quirkless.

I: oh that us where you are wrong you see my quirk allows me to take quirks and use them for my own gain meaning i can make you quirkless.

Izuku then took hair man quirk and knocked him out and went to the back of the store and gestured to the villain to come with him.

???: is that actually you're quirk?

I: yes now tell me what's you're name?

Mc: oh my name is michael Carrick.

I: Michael by you're name you're american say do you want to join me?

Mc: join you?

I: well i'm new to villainy and i was thinking about making a league to help the people who are like me who have been wronged by everyone.

Mc: well okay i'm in!

I: great now we need a place to live in i'm planning on running away from home.

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