chapter 8

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It has been a year since izuku was killed and revived and he got eri back and she helped him but he had to give her to dabi because she left and izuku thought it would be best if eri went with her and by now there was no league all of the money was gone along with all of their assets it was now only izuku, nine, six, kurogiri and garaki and izuku was planning a finale attack he only wanted one for all and he will have to get the 10th user melissa shield and the 9th user izumi yagi to get it.

Why does izuku want one for all it's because the quirk slowly destroys the body of the user making them lose all if their physical capabilities and izuku wanted to stop that and so he grabbed his blazer and breathing mask and ordered kurogiri to open a portal to the training ground and as he stebbed in.

He walked to the middle of the forest and used all of his flame quirk and made flames dance in the sky alerting everyone who wasn't in the forest.

I: six i want you to get yagi nine i want you to get melissa and hood clone yourself twice and go with nine and six also make two clones of kurogiri to go with njne and six to teleport them out once they have yagi and shield.

All: yes master.

As all of them peft to search for yagi and shield izuku was using all of his regeneration quirks and he was slowly regenerating his nose was the first and because of the problem that he couldn't see but only hear he ordered kurogiri to bring mandalay next to him.

After a while six sees izumi yagi and melissa shield and he presses his earpeace.

Six: nine i have shield and yagi next to me.

Nine: coming to you're location and herr i am.

Six: good now let's go.

Nine: without a plan?

Six: yes come on.

Six uses over clock and charges to izumi punching her in the face and nine kicked melissa in the stomach knocking her to the ground and izumi was impeded in a tree but still aeake so six punched her in the stomach knocking her out and then told clone kurogiri to warp them back.

And once they were back they saw izuku taking ragdoll's quirk and leaving her there and then the real kurogiri took them back to the bar.

I: now that i can see a little we need to get out of here.

Six: why?

I: because i don't have enough power to take there quirk's since my fight with all might he is slowly dying while i'm slowly healing.

Nine: well that is good.

I: yes now let's go.

Kurogiri then opened anotger portal taking them to a hospital and izuku walked to a biga** door and put in a code and went inside and closed it and as he walked in he saw his body was almost done regenerating the only thing that didn't regenerate yet was the eyes and that will only take 1 day so he went back to his chair and sat in it.

It has been a day since izuku took melissa and izumi and and his body was done regenerating and so he put all of his quirks in it and the doctor put his life from his scarred body to his original body and so izuku got out of the tank and felt his full power return to him and then he felt an earthquake and six came in.

Six: hero's.

I: they won't stand a chance against me now.

Izuku's eyes glowed red and boss music played.

I: let's dance hero's hahahahahabahahhaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

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