chapter 11

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10 year timeskip.

3rd pov.

In another country, a boy with white hair was looking at a moniter, it showed some people.

???: garaki, i want you to reanimate them from the dead, make them efficient and deadly, after you're done i will give them some of my quirk's, i learned my lesson.

The man got up, and walked to a dark room, as he flipped the switch, it showed thousands of capsules, that housed mutated people inside them.

Ghost: look at you, you're weak.

???: yes...i am.

Ghost2: you are a parasite.

???: ironic, coming from someone who has killed thousand's.

Ghost3: you are a villain.

???: i have been called worse.

The man then left the room, and walked to his desk and picked up a photo of a woman with black hair and stables.

???: dabi, take care of them.

The man sat down on his chair, the light of the moniter infront of him revealed his face, the upper part of his face was burned, taking away his eye's and nose, and his hair.

???: now it is time, for my successor to take my place, rise kurayami!


Yes this story is now ongoing, and it's all thank's to RandomNonesince for his comment on chapter 7 of this story, so thank's to him, alright bye.

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