do your siblings like them

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fulton reed
your siblings love fulton. anytime he comes over, he'll always play or hang out with them and play whatever games they want to play. your siblings and fulton both joke that they love each other more than you and you're starting to think it's not much of a joke anymore.

dean portman
dean and your siblings have this thing going on where they pretend not to like each other but they really do. like he'll always bring them food when he comes over and they tell him embarrassing stories about you.

guy germaine
they really like guy. he's always helping your siblings with homework or chores and is always trying to hang out with them. anytime guy isn't at your house, they're asking when he's coming over.

charlie conway
your siblings love charlie just as much if not more than they love you. he's great with kids so if you have younger siblings, he's always playing pretend with them. charlie is always trying to include them in dates much to your dismay.

adam banks
they're kind of iffy about adam. hockey is his first love and his biggest passion and if it was between you and him, he'd probably choose hockey and your siblings know that. they like that adam makes you happy, they're just scared of you getting your heart broken.

connie moreau
you're siblings love connie so much. if you have a sister, she's always trying to crash sleepovers/dates, especially if she's younger. connie is always trying to include your siblings which you love, even when it's annoying.

julie gaffney
it's not that they don't like julie, they just don't interact with each other very much. whenever she's at your house, they'll give each other small smiles, offer a shy wave, and sometimes mumble a 'hi' but that's the extent of their interactions.

luis mendoza
your siblings can't stand luis. he was such a big flirt before you started dating and your siblings aren't exactly sure he's over that phase yet. they've advised you to break up with him multiple times. since you won't break up with him, they've resorted to threatening him if he ever breaks your heart.

les averman
your siblings think averman is the funniest person on the planet. they adore him and are always all over him when he comes over. he always teaches them comebacks for when someone is mean to them and helps them come up with cool jokes to tell their classmates back at school.

jesse hall
your siblings don't like jesse. they're very protective of you and don't like how much jesse acts like a douche bag sometimes. they really like that you're happy but they're scared he's going to hurt you.

dwayne robertson
you and dwayne have grown up together so your siblings are basically his siblings. he and your siblings have a very close relationship and you love it. they're always teaching each other new tricks and constantly help each other around your farms.

kenny wu
your siblings aren't sure about kenny. they think he's adorable but they also think he's childish. there have been times you and kenny have fought because he was being childish and it doesn't sit right with your siblings. they tolerate him though because of how happy he makes you.

gunnar stahl
they love gunner. if you have brothers, gunnar is always having 'boys days' with them and he's always making you be nice to them. if your siblings play sports, he's always practicing with them, even if it's a sport he's bad at.

okay so i just took my act and i think i did pretty well but i'm really nervous that i did bad. if i didn't get at least a 22 i'll probably cry

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