when you're sad

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fulton reed
whenever you're sad, he'll put your head in his lap and run his fingers through your hair and wipe away your tears until your ready to explain. he'll also give you sloppy kisses until you laugh and push him away and won't complain when you steal his sweatshirts.

dean portman
when you're upset, dean is all over it. he's trying to figure out who hurt you so he knows who to go hurt. if it's not someone, he'll do whatever you ask him to do until you feel better.

guy germaine
he'll give you all the kisses when you're sad. guy would also compliment you every two seconds, telling you you're beautiful and that you're his whole world. he's relentless. guy won't even think about stopping until he sees you smile.

charlie conway
if he knows you're upset, charlie would go rent all your favorite movies, grab the warmest blankets he can find and you two would have a movie night/cuddle fest until you felt better.

adam banks
adam is shy, awkward, and isn't good with girls but man is he trying his best. he'll ask you all these questions about why you're upset and what he can do until you eventually tell him to shut up and hold you

connie moreau
if connie moreau ever finds her girl upset, she's ready to fight the mofo who caused it. when you finally convince her to not fight whatever's making you upset, she'll do the works and you two have a spa day.

julie gaffney
julie has a routine for when you're upset. it always starts with calming you down and getting you to stop crying. then she'll braid your hair and paint your nails before running you a warm bath to take while she gets your favorite movie or show ready and snacks out to eat.

luis mendoza
luis is a big flirt and it's one of the things he does best so when you're sad, he'll turn his charm on and come up with the cheesiest pickup lines he can think of just to see you smile and laugh.

les averman
les will pull out all his best jokes when you're sad or upset. if he sees that you're not in the mood for jokes, he'll immediately stop and move on to the next thing until you feel better.

jesse hall
jesse's not that great at comforting so when you're upset, he'll kind of just sit at the end of your bed or right beside you. you'll have to tell him what to do to cheer you up until he learns the ins and outs.

dwayne robertson
dwayne is the biggest sweetheart there ever was so whenever you're upset, he'll make you his mom's best recipe, put it and a bunch of other goodies in a picnic basket, and take you to a special spot out in his pasture for a picnic.

kenny wu
when you're upset, kenny will lay behind you, wrap his arms around your waist and lay his head between your shoulder blades and cuddle you until you feel like doing something else.

i felt like this was a fitting preference because @1-800-slapshot, @maribellapolibio, and   @-vclentine and some others used to comment a lot and i always looked forward to reading and responding to them. now no one really comments anymore and i'm kinda sad about it. i miss interacting with you guys. can you guys tell i'm a baby yet?

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