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fulton reed
-jokingly brought up doing one, not thinking you actually would want to do it
-regretted it when you told him you were actually going to do it
-was secretly excited and loved doing it

dean portman
-you had to do a lot of beg him to do it
-acted like he hated doing all the couple type poses
-actually enjoyed it but would die before telling you

guy germaine
-is admittedly very excited about having your pictures taken
-comes up with pose ideas off the top of his head
-frames the photos and puts them all around his room

charlie conway
-he's wanted to do a couples photoshoot for awhile
-finally talked you into it
-y'all did all the cliché couple poses but they all looked really good when they were finished

adam banks
-was so shy about asking if you wanted to do one
-got an amazing photographer who had tons of fun and cool picture ideas
-y'all spent hours taking pictures at a lot of different places

connie moreau
-it was a birthday present for her
-she screenshotted so many different poses for you to do at the photoshoot
-was so beside herself with joy the whole time

julie gaffney
-went from a couples photoshoot to bestie photoshoot in only a few pictures
-so many laughs and giggles
-it was a lot more fun than either of you expected

luis mendoza
-took a lot of convincing to get him to do it
-complained the whole time
-ended up liking it at the end when he got to be in charge of picking poses

les averman
-makes jokes between every picture
-more goofy pictures than anything
-the photographer keeps commenting on how cute you two are

jesse hall
-it wasn't actually a planned photoshoot
-it was more so just terry following the two of you around with a camera and taking candid shots
-prints them off and gives them to you

dwayne robertson
-you didn't have many pictures together so your moms suggested having a photoshoot
-they picked out everything; poses, outfits, etc
-i can't be convinced that they didn't frame and hang every single picture that was taken

kenny wu
-you were constantly taking picture of and with him so he decided to finally do a photoshoot with you
-found the cutest poses to do
-keeps his favorite pictures in his wallet

gunnar stahl
-marria convinced the two of you to get pictures taken
-he tried to act like he didn't care but he did
-gave you the pictures for your birthday

@-vclentine this was so fun! i hope you like it! you literally requested this forever ago so I'm really sorry about that. i've decided to slowly make my return since my uncle is out of the hospital and at home.

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