do they do skincare

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fulton reed
he does but only when he thinks about it or feels like it. really only does it when he's got really sweaty at practices/games or when he happens to feel like it. he's always had really good skin so he doesn't really see any benefit in skincare

dean portman
not at all and doesn't really care about it. he's been blessed with really good skin so all he has to do is let water run down it in the shower. he promises connie that he'll start washing his face but never does

guy germaine
only does it because connie verbally accosts him for it. he actually does care about his skin but wouldn't remember it if not for connie always being on him about it

charlie conway
almost every night. he used to break out a lot so he takes his skin care seriously now. used to just use face wash but because of connie has a toner, moisturizer, and a serum but wouldn't admit it if you were holding a gun to his head

adam banks
he does and is fairly serious about it. he washes his face every other night because it's actually not good for you to do it every night/twice a day unless otherwise instructed by a licensed dermatologist and tried to convince connie of that but she won't listen

connie moreau
does it EVERY single night and attempts to bully the rest of the team into doing it too. she takes skin care very seriously and won't let her friends go around with busted skin

julie gaffney
she's a casual skin care fan. like fulton, she only really does it when she thinks to do it and feels like doing it. she's just better about wanting to do it more and has more steps to hers

luis mendoza
the only time this mans face gets washed more than water in the shower is a team sleepover that connie's at. and even then he has to borrow connie's stuff

les averman
he would take it seriously because he's always struggled with minor acne breakouts. he's scared if he stops, he'll have a major acne breakout/problem and it'll give people something to bully him for

jesse hall
i feel like jesse would either be really into skin care or would care nothing about it and never do it. i feel like it's more toward he doesn't care and connie hates that he doesn't care about it

dwayne robertson
he only has a face wash that he uses while he's in the shower. it irks connie that he only does it in the shower and only has a face wash but he does not care and is totally unfazed by connie

kenny wu
he doesn't really care about skin care all that much but because he's an ex-olympian, he got in the habit of doing skin care for marketing and hasn't really fell out of it

gunnar stahl
absolutely does not care and doesn't ever do skin care. he used to have relatively severe acne but had a terrible experience with proactive so he doesn't do anything but let water run down it in the shower

There's a possibility of a sequel once I finish posting the drafts of this book. If you've got any requests, lmk!

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