you fall asleep on him

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fulton reed
-smiles a little when he notices
-lays his cheek against the top of your head
-plays with the ends of your hair

dean portman
-wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer
-keeps staring at you
-eventually wakes you up when his arm falls asleep

guy germaine
-scared to move because he doesn't want to wake you
-kisses the top of your head a lot
-cuddles you

charlie conway
-if your hair falls in your face, he pushes it away
-smiles any time he looks at you
-nuzzles his head in your neck

adam banks
-blushes every two seconds
-does a lot of giggling
-hugs you and falls asleep with you

connie moreau
-takes pictures to show you when you wake up
-kisses your cheeks
-wraps her arms around you

julie gaffney
-loves cuddling you
-pulls a blanket over the two of you
-ends up falling asleep too

luis mendoza
-lots of neck kisses
-rests his hands on your butt
-can't take his eyes off you

les averman
-can't help but stare
-lots of giddy laughs
-light kisses on the lips

jesse hall
-gets awkward when you fall asleep on him
-just kind of lays there hoping you'll wake up
-tries to move you off him but ended up waking you

dwayne robertson
-he didn't really notice at first
-smiles at you when he notices
-pulls you closer and cuddles you

kenny wu
-he blushes so much
-takes pictures and sends them to the group chat
-ends up falling asleep

gunnar stahl
-doesn't like when you fall asleep on him
-lets you sleep for a few minutes
-tries to move you off of him but wakes you up

kinda want to post a face reveal👀 lmao but how embarrassing would it be if I did and no one cared I-

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