3. One Night At The Concert

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"Okay.. So I don't know how many tapes this gonna take.. And welcome to tape three as I told I saw the guys entering the restaurant with a Lil girl.. I'll be frank I was quite embarrassing about it. Like I was caught starting at him and then made him more uncomfortable. As he walked in seeing around the hall and his eyes laid on  me and I could tell you what was going on in his mind.. His face said if all his expression changed drastically when he saw me like all cool to tensed and I felt so sorry for him.. All I wanted to do is get up walk to him and apologize to him and pay his bills 'You zoned out again.. ' Lipa said 'no-no am here' I hesitated 'it's just that I found this man in the concert and I think I have a crush on him!!' I continue 'and he caught me staring at him and also made him feel a bit uncomfortable' I said 'don't look' I warned her 'Girlllll thatz embarrassing how could you!!' she was disappointed too 'anyways where is he?' she asked 'behind you near the register don't look just take a peek' I said. But like any other friends do she turned all 90° 'he is mixture of bts girll' she said just in a second 'I know right!!' I was drowned all over him 'but not so much of Jin Oppa' she said turning back to me 'you gonna tell him how you feel bruh!! It now or never.. ' she said 'now.. Seriously am not ready' I said 'look we don't know if we meet him again.. Just go to him and compliment him and apologize to him and just tell you feeling to him.. Simple' she said 'it sounds simple but isn't.. And what if he rejects me huh-  it's more embrassing af' I said 'hey look' she got deep. I thought she was gonna go deep get emotional and all but all she did was call a waiter 'Look.. I have just moved to this area and I have seen you a few times and I have feel for you.. Can I get your number??" she asked the waiter.. And I was completely speechless and he replied with 'congrats on moving here and am gay and also you can have my number we can be friends!' and slided a tissue on his number on it 'thanks and ya... I'll text you' Lipa said 'Anything you would like to order' he asked 'nope.. Just the bill please' I said 'okay..' he walked off 'embrassing 101' I said 'I had no idea he was hot tho-' she replied trying to act all cool 'But you.. Go and tell him we got five more minutes try to get his number or instagram ID anything is fine.. And his name full name it's more important' she stressed 'you gonna hack his phone??' I was curious 'maybe' 'oh shut up!!' I said.
Without any shame I walked up to him and said 'Hey.. So am sorry for earlier and I'll be honest it was love at first sight and now I have a crush on you.. Can I have your number??' I asked 'please' I added, my heartbeat got faster and faster 'well.. That was random' his deep voice made me go crazy I could hear the little girl hitting him on the leg and she said 'Oh sweetie don't worry about the past.. And here is his number' she said sliding out a card that had his number on it and also instagram ID. 'Your pretty' she said I blushed 'oh.. And am Jen' she continued bring her hand forward for a handshake 'Ria' I said, 'Oh.. Cool' there was tension between us 'I better get going.. And I'll text you or call' I said bowed and walked off, I walked to our table In tiny all excited. It was the first time that I made a move 'lottery' I said placing the card on the table 'You go girl' Lipa said 'OMFG!! Hes' Lipa showed me the instagram account. I just kept staring at it like he had 2k followers and following two.. But that does not matter the fact that his parents were fucking so dame rice!! But he was so simple yet unique. 'Ria.. If you blow this relationship up I swear I'll kill you in your sleep' Lipa said with death glare 'Aishh.. Girl you know me I hate being a money for love person.. I like for him not his money so.. Don't expect me not to blow this up.. There will be a lot and lot of girls hotter than me or you know in his dms asking him to date them!!' I said 'Whatever' she said rolling her eyes, 'and here you go!!' the waiter from before placed the bill on the table 'Oh.. And if your trying to catch a fish your doing it in the wrong pond.. His family comes from too much of power, he can ruin your life if something goes wrong.. Been there saw that I would suggest you to quit' he said 'true love always wins' I said 'But be careful' he warned and walked off. As we were about to leave picking up our bags and stuff a man walked to us 'Don't believe the waiter he's going to learn a lesson after' the man said with the deep voice 'So.. Your the remix version of bts, nice to finally meet you' Lipa said 'am Lipa' she said 'Nice to meet you too' he smirked 'And.. You are you free this Tuesday?' he asked staring into my soul 'Tuesday... I don-' I was cutter off 'She is.. She's free' Lipa said 'But the main project?' I asked her 'You lost your join idiot' she said smaking my head 'Am free' I said in an high tone, we could hear a girl cheer and clap it was Jen 'Ignore her she's too happy coz I started loving again or something.. Anyways.. Text me I'll tell you the address' he said and walked off"

A/n ;)

Ugh!! I wish I could add audios for these.. I had it all planned but when I stared typing the story I thought of adding audios for few parts..
Anyways.. Hope you are enjoying the story let me know your thoughts!!

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