10. One night at the concert

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"MARRY ME WILL YOU??" Ria asked. The entire cafe was silent, "Yes" Lucif spoke. The room filled with joy and happiness, everyone had a huge smile on. The long summer passed and the wedding preparations were started.

Lucifer. M. Grace and Ria Roy
Invite you and your family
to our wedding"

On the wedding day :

"Am nervous" Ria said as she was standing near the huge door of the part hall. "when I was getting married to your mother I was too.. But now look at me all healthy happy and standing here beside you" her father said. Seconds passed and the huge door opened, Ria walked down the aisle with this beautiful long wedding gown, tears filled Lucif's eyes trying so hard not to cry.

Few minutes later :

Ria spoke "I d-" she was interrupted. "I object!!" one of the braidsmate shouted, the whole room was quite everyone was shocked. All at once turned to a lady who wore this beautiful red gown with a bouquet in her hand, "Ri... I know am late but I love you!!" she says. Those happy faces are now shocked, Ria's eyes filled with tears. And the doors of the wedding hall shut one more time.
Ria and the lady walked into the dressing room, "Are you serious Lipa!!" Ria says "Am sorry I just couldn't see you there standing and commiting a life time commitment, and that to with a person who wasn't me!" Lipa said tears rolling down her eyes, "why did you do that!?" Ria questioned "Coz, I love you Ri"
"Since when??"
"Since the concert, maybe you didn't notice but I was distracted by you.. You were so beautiful wavying the army bomb smiling so hard it made my heart flutter!! I could not stop looking at you"
"Why did you not tell me earlier?!"
"coz.. I knew we were never work out, after the concert when you said you were caught staring at Lucif I thought it would be best if I never told you!! And that is why I encourage you to date him. But as days passes on I started become Jealous. Jealous of Lucif for having you all to himself!"
"OMG Lipa" Ria held her cheeks and kissed her forehead, "I know that we would never work but you could have atleast told me about it"
"Tell you what?!, I don't want my besties to date anyone coz her lesbians best friend has a crush on her and gets jealous every time she sees her with someone and also knows that we won't work?? Imagine how bad my reputation would be!! I would have lost you"
"Well you did-"
"I almost did" Lipa says. 
The doors of the dressing room by a really hard push by Lucif. "What's happening??" he asked "Lipa is happening" Ria said rolling her eyes,  Lucif's turned all angry looking at Lipa as if he is gonna kill her. "Am sorry you guys, I shouldn't have done that" Lipa said tearing up, "Let's go back shall we??" Ria asked "Now?? more then half of the guest are gone, and even the priest is also" Lucif said.

A/n :
Let me know if your liking the story line and do keep supporting me!! And stay tuned ♡

We are almost at the end of the season😭😭

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