6. One Night At The Concert

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"Hey welcome to tape six hope your enjoying this.. Anyways I rushed to home all excited, it felt like those movie scene. I'll be frank with being broken at the point I had nothing to wear! And then I found this old dress of my mom it was red and had little flower of white on the waist cute right and it also fit me!! After I got ready I remembered that I don't know where to go like where this date is.. As I was thinking my phone rang it was an formal invitation to some party in which I was gonna be host's girl. I ringed up Lucif as soon as I read that asking him who is the host and why me?! He said the host was him and me coz am his girl.. My heart fluttered when he said 'my girl' in that deep voice, he also told me to meet at this park called 'Swan's palace' according to Google the park had his huge pond which is filled with Swans(this information is frictional and not real and the place also) I got to the park waiting near the huge fountain which was located right in the middle of the park, let me tell you one thing.. I thought when a guy is late to a date night he isn't good for you, but that is completely wrong not all the boys in the world are late, some of them have good reasons and other they barely have interest!!
I kept waiting and waiting.. I checked the time every five minutes from 7:35 - 8-40pm and yet he wasn't there I waited for almost two hours and when I finally decided to leave my phone rang!! Not him running to me, it was my phone which rang and it was Lucif. I rolled my eyes answering the call 'Hello' I said 'Exit from gate 4 and there is a black car waiting for you.. Get in it!' he said and disconnected the call. I was done first he turned our date into a formal ball then he asks me to waiting at the park and never show up and also of a sudden he rings up and asks me to get into some random car!! I thought what more and I made my way towards gate 4 as I stood on the side of the exit there weren't one or two black cars there were five black cars in different directions now I have to scream his name or go to each car and peep inside the window to see if it's him or not! But i did not make a move I just stood there starting at all the five cars my mind sudden started forming questions like 'does he really wanna date' 'is he using me for something' 'maybe he is just doing this out of sympathy'. And suddenly a man in suit walked to me and asks 'Ria?' 'This way' he said guiding me to the car that was parked on the right side 'even getting kidnapped is better than struggling so much just to get into a car' I said to myself and got in 'Well maybe imagine am kidnapping you' I could hear Lucif's deep voice 'Well well well look who finally decides for show up!' I sounds annoyed 'Two hours.. You really are into me' he said with a smirk 'No! I just waited coz am jobless' I was being sarcastic 'I thought you got the job at the cafe' he said. I ignored him as he signed to driver to start the car, after a few minutes I looked out the window and it was raining I plugged in my ear phone listening to 'Spring day' by BTS. The thought ran in my mind as the song played on loop and to stop those thoughts I unplugged the ear phones and slided out a pack of gum 'Where are we going?!' I asked hogging few gums in 'You'll see' Lucif answered and I looked out the window again.. 'Care to share?' he suddenly spoke. Look I never share my gum with anyone ask me anything but my gum coz when I chew them all my tension negative thoughts everything will vanish and if I do share your either a special person to me or I got no other chose but share it with you for good! But in this case it was Lucif I looked at his small pout and his hands out for asking, I placed the whole pack of gum on his hand and I know he knew that I was pissed. The drive felt so long I almost feel a sleep, 'Here' he placed a blanket on my thigh and kissed my forehead 'I'll wake you up when we reach' he said.
My dream was so good I had my job back and also was officially dating Lucif, we were getting married and it was time where we kiss and BAM!! I woke up. 'Morning' he said, do you every have a good sleep and when you wake up you can't identify if it's morning or evening??! The same thing happened to me when he said that I dramatically looked out the window and it was dark and then I looked at my watch it was past midnight. 'Are we there yet' I asked 'Yes baby we are here now wakey wakey something is waiting for you' I was still sleepy when I got off the car. I yawned and made my way towards this garden with amazing lighting inside. It was like I was attending a wedding of a really rich groom/bride. This woman approached to me and asked 'How many?!' and I was like 'How many what?!' 'I mean people how many people so that I can guide you to your seat' she explained 'Oh.. Two I guess' I said and felt a pat on my back 'The view' Lucif said as he wrapped his hand around my waist 'Oh.. This way' the woman bowed. We walked for straight 15 minutes and when we finally got to the place the view left me speechless we were on the top of a mountain and the city lights were just so much pretty. I remember Lucif had to whistle to grab my attention everytime(giggles)
'it's beautiful right!' he said 'Yes' I replied 'But not as beautiful than someone in front of me' he said. All my attention was grabbed by him 'in front-' I said turning towards my back 'Oh... That's pretty too' I said 'It's you dumbass' he said 'Aww thank you boi' I said in aegyo 'Here is the main course' the waiter placed two plates which had cooked beef 'Oh.. I can't eat meat on working days' I said 'It makes my stomach upset' I made an excuse 'Don't go to work tomorrow!' Lucif frankly spoke 'Huh- okay!' I said 'Enjoy' she bowed. 'You don't eat meat??' Lucif asked 'I do Just not on work days' I answered 'What else do you eat??' He seemed curious 'Anything that does not contain meat' I said 'Grass?' he whispers 'And egg' I said. 'I thought there was gonna be a party or something' I said 'It's fake' he said.
The next few minutes we got involved in eating until he wiped the spicy of my lips.
Lol my story is just like a movie.. 'Thanks' I said 'Tell me more about yourself' he said 'Me'
'Ya you'
'okay...' I had no idea how to tell something about my self 'Am a 22 year feminine, I have 12 degrees and was fired from two jobs one the company shut down and the other one involved politics' I said 'I hate politics' he spoke 'I know right it's so annoying and I also Stan BTS #btsarmyforlife' I continued 'Now your turn!' I said pointing my fork towards him 'Oh.. Am a 23 year masculine, I have two degrees and was never fired coz I own the company like my parents do am the partial Owner of it' he said 'Good one.. Any hobbies??' I asked 'I read novels, travelling and extreme sports and yours?' he asked 'Me.... I too read, I paint and work my ass off' I said and he giggled for the first time saying 'Working your ass off is a hobby?!' 'For me it is' I said proudly"

A/n ;-)

Heyoo!! I hope you like it let me know in the comments and stay tuned!! ♡♡

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