8. One Night At The Concert

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Just few more to go!! As he sat on the small couch I placed a cup of coffee on the table which was placed beside it.. He asked me more about myself and I asked him about himself too, it was rapid fire game kinda, hours passed and it was night. All of a sudden he got closer to me as our breath could be felt on each others skin, he gently grabbed my neck kissing me 'Happy one-year anniversary' he said breaking the kiss. Yesss.. It had been one year already and I had no clue, there were so many questions in my mind like what's with him today?! He was never the first one to lean in for a kiss and- It's been freaking one year already dame!
It was pin drop silent after that 'Well I better get going' he said petting me 'what next he will start calling me names like BABE BABY BUTTERCUP' I thought to myself and right when he stood by the door step 'I'll text you when I get home babes' he said giving me a hug 'am gonna miss you' he added.
Sounds so much like movie.. Well I gotta say since I met Lucif my life has been a movie! The same went on till our two year anniversary and three year and four and five and six.. For every anniversary the soft spot in him for me increases, I remember on our two years anniversary he had finally held my hands in public and in third saying 'I love you' was common, fourth making him food, fifth picking his sister from school and sixth addressing me as 'my girlfriend' and in few days.. It will be seven years with us being together! Am kinda nervous kinda excited and a lot of mixed feelings. By the end of the last tape there is a question that I will be asking Lu, your answer to that question can change my life. I love you!
Let me just go grab a glass of water I'll be right back!!" Ria stops recording.
Her phone rang "Heyy, how is it going??" the person asked "till now all okay.. But am a lil nervous" Ria says wiping her sweat off her forehead "Don't worry whatever happens I'll be here this time.. I promise"
"Thank you once again Lipa!" Ria says disconnecting the call. she walked to the kitchen grabs a bottle of red wine and a glass, and walks back to her bedroom.
She pours some of the wine into her glass takes a sip and starts recording again "so.. Where were we?? Oh ya! Soft spot... Well he did has one for me but no for my people and when I say my people it's 'Lipa'. If your hearing this girl!! You deserve it for what you had done.. I still haven't forgave you completely. I was waken up by a harsh sound which sounded like someone banging at my door and I lazily woke up and walked towards the door opening three locks one by one as soon as all the locks opened Lipa rushed inside I remember when she said 'he is cheating on you, he kissed an other girl and I saw it' she said, I calmed her down and asked her what happen and she told me that my boyfriend Lucifer Grace was cheating on me and when I asked her for the proof she told I saw it with my own eyes and fool of me to believe her the matter grew big and big every weekend she would walk through my door telling me stuff, one final day I decided to talk to Lu when I asked him to explain everything that Lipa said he could not relate his plans on those particular days with what Lipa said there were not even close. When I asked Lipa why did she lie she said she was jealous coz I always spend time with Lu and not her and she was scared she would lose me, she could have just spoken to me!
After that we did not speak for a long time.
Time went on and one day we bumped into each other, and that is when we decided to move on!!
Well am happy she is back but it's hard to build that bond again with her. 


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