11. One Night At The Concert

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Two weeks later
"Why!! Why did I even open my mouth!! I hate myself, I feel so disgusted" Lipa yelled at herself looking at the mirror with a coffee mug in her hand. "why am I even alive!? I spoiled everything, a relationship, a marriage, my reputation, friends!! FAMILY everyone and everything" she Yelled and throw the mug breaking the mirror. She felt sad and guilty about what she did,

* flashback (7 years ago) *

"Ahh!! Why did I tell her to make the first move!! what If it works out with the concert boi!? Am such a dumbo, this is gonna break my heart so bad.  Here she comes be cool" Lipa says to hers, sucking the soda from the paper straw. 

* end of flashback *

"Heyy!!  You alright?" Ria asked Lucif as she entered the kitchen, "Yes- actually no!" Lucif spoke in anger "tell me what's bothering you" , "I was so happy that everything was going well, but nature never wants me to be happy one, first I lost Jenna and then our marriage. After so many shit I was happy" He said sobbing, "Hey! C'mon now that everything is fine we will settle a date and re-create our day,  don't be sad it makes me sad" Ria consoled him.

When Ria and Lucif were planning on their wedding, on the other side Lipa was dying in guilt and pain.

"this is it, this is where it all ends, I'll jump and in no time I'll be down their bleeding and maybe unconscious also" Lipa some to herself as bad forwarded her left leg tenting to jump of the tall building, "Hana, dul-" she was dragged hey a strong being. Her hair swung as she swung and fell upon the person, "HEYYY!!!" she spoke in anger "THAT WAS MY ONLY CHANCE, AND THIS TIME I WAS READY AND YOU SPOILED IT ALL!!" she continued screaming at the person "I just saved your life you should be thankful than scream at me" the person spoke. "Ahh!!" Lipa said as she stood up, "well thank you stranger for ruining my pla-"
"your welcome"
"Aishhhh!! If your done you may leave" Lipa said
"so that you get a chance to jump again??"
"why do you care?"
"Hmm.. Humanity much?!" the person spoke sarcastically.
"What am I even doing" Ria said to herself, she took a step "Okay, so run in three and jump she will not even know" she said to herself. Little did she know that the stranger was strong and deal with things like this everyday. She got her courage up and made a move. She was almost about to jump and again she was pulled "am gonna stay here even if I have to for a whole week,  but I'll never let you jump" the stranger said. "I guess I can't die today" Lipa gave up "wanna have coffee?? Together?" the stranger asked "You can tell me if something Is bothering you, maybe I can help" she continued.
"Sure" Lipa agreed.

Stay tuned and let me know what you think about the chapter In the comments ♡♡

Season one ends here~~
Stay tuned for season two, the dates will be announced soon!!
And!! Don't forgot to tell your opinions about this season and do share it if you like it and I hope you guys stay tuned ♡♡  

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