5. One Night At The Concert

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5. One night at the concert

A/n :0
So.. For the text part am gonna use images so that you guys don't get bored while reading the conversation.

"hey again welcome to tape five.. Just few more sweetie!! So I told you that he texted me in the morning :

 Just few more sweetie!! So I told you that he texted me in the morning :

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I was all happy I felt butterflies in my tummy everything seemed so perfect!! At this point I understood what 's/he gives me butterflies' actually mean, one perfect convo with the person you love them most can make your day

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I was all happy I felt butterflies in my tummy everything seemed so perfect!! At this point I understood what 's/he gives me butterflies' actually mean, one perfect convo with the person you love them most can make your day.. I got to the cafe looked around had a cup of coffee! A satisfying cup of coffee and guess what!! I had my very own office room it was small but had the amazing ventilation and also I could view the parking lot it had glass walls on one side from which we could view the entire cafe. Amazing right!! It felt like I was an employee again.. Am like I was.. being a manager of a cafe is kinda boring.. Sure we get to eat and drink what ever and when ever.. But as for Cafe was small and not so popular we did not have any compitation.

For the time being.. I tried contacting Lipa but she was busy I had no option but stalk Lucifs insta, I know I sound like a diva and those protective girlfriends..but I had to coz I wanted to, am sorry lu.. I hope you don't hate me after this!! Okay so.. I was in the middle of stalking where I saw this account called ' Unknown._.me ' and I stalked her account too.. She was beautiful like amazing features and also she had few pics of Lucif with her I felt this weird feeling after I saw the pics.. But I did not stop I kept seeing seeing and seeing.. I finally stopped at one pic where I had tears in my eyes.. There was a girl in the pic and Lucif also, but this pic hit different coz the pic was captioned as 'soon to be a fam'. The tear almost fell down my eye so many thoughts running in my mind but suddenly a girl knocked on the office door I wiped my eyes put on a smile and turned to the door, 'come in' I said 'and this is a note from the baker to you with these cookie... They smell really good' she said placing the cookie basket on my table 'thank you' I mouthed 'Aren't you the restaurant girl.. The one who wanted to date lucky..?!' she asked 'Hmm.. Oh.. Your the little girl who gave me his number' I said as I placed my phone on the desk which was facing to the seiling 'Yes..' 'Am Jen.. And we're you stalking his insta??' she asked 'What! No-no..why would I?!' I tried to cover up 'That's his late girl friend' she said her eyes were teared up when she said that 'unknown me??' I asked 'Yes.. Her name is I mean was Jeena' she said
'Oh.. She is beautiful'
'WAS! she was beautiful.. She was the sweetest person I knew' Jen almost broke down when I called her in for a hug.. She ended up staying in my arms for straight 5 minutes and making my new white shirt wet! 
She finally broke the hug and said 'They dated for almost eight years and one day when everything was amazing lucky decided to purpose her.. And she said yes' she took a deep breath and continued 'two months before their wedding Jeena died in a car accident where she was hit by a huge trunk with two drunk drivers, Jeena's kidney had stopped wounds all of her body blood stains on her pink shirt and her black jeans were all brown. I still remember the day when me and lucky were watching 13 reasons why and suddenly Jeena's sister entered our house crying and screaming for help.. But before we reach there it was too late' Jen had fallen on her keens now I for one was ready bad at consoling people.. I give her an other hug letting her to crying I rubbed her back after few minutes telling her that she will be fine, what has happen is happening we can not change the past!
Am really bad at this..
'When Is your date?!' she asked sobbing. 'Tuesday' I answered 'That's tomorrow' she said breaking the hug and wiped her tears 'Yes!' I said with a smile. I had no idea at the moment that it was Monday and the next day would be Tuesday, Jen suggested me some methods to keep Lucif calm because he gets angry a lot.

After work I rushed to home coz I had not prepared anything for the date nothing to wear don't know where I will be going.. I really don't think that Lucif was that dangerous as people told he was, he had a bad past maybe he became a little cold after that.

A/n :
Hope you like it.. And what do you guys think about Lucif.. Has he moved on or still suck?! Or is he using Ria to move on?? 👀👀
Stay tuned!! ♡♡

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