4. One Night At The Concert

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"heyoo welcome to tape four.. I hope you aren't getting bored! Okay so restaurant.. When he came up to us and said not to believe the waiter in the deep voice.. You know the robot-human voice lol.. And his sister getting all excited it all felt like he was moving on from his dark past to the new beginning. Like one of those movie stories..I wanted to know his background is he really that powerful in what way does he use them?? A lot of things ran in my mind.. When I finally made up my mind for contact him!! I look at my phone with the warrior background music playing in my mind and as I was about to call him and BAM!! my alarm blasted my phone when I found out it was 11:55 in the night.. Is it okay to call him this late?? Or should I text him.. What if he blocks me?! Ugh!! I stayed up till two in the morning thinking about it again and again.. And suddenly my phone started ringing.. Who would call me at this hour??! I forcefully picked up the call :
'Am not gonna block you nor ignore you.. And it's totally find calling me at this hour I don't sleep much' the voice said 'The boi from concert' I said 'The boi has a name' he said maybe he even rolled his eyes.. 'Cool.. ' I said and had no idea how to make further conversation 'It's lucif' he said and my eyes widened 'Lucif as in Lucifer??' I asked 'Aishh!! Don't say that.. It makes me not Human.. And ya it stands for that!!' he sounded annoyed 'Oh.. M sorry' I felt guilty 'So why did you not text??' he asked 'I-I was scared' I said.. And I should have not 'I can't believe you belived what the waiter said even after I told it's not true' he was disappointed 'Aniyooo!! I was scared if you don't like me back the way I do' I said. The whole conversation we had was like I was making a deal with drug or something, it was all he 'Oh.. And call me lucky if your don't like called me lucif' he said and before I even tell something he disconnected the call and out of that anger I throw my phone on the bed, it bounced and hit the wall!! I was frustrated first lost my job and then found boi but messed it up and now my freaking phone is broken!! I walked to the wall picked up the phone sat on the bed with watery eyes I looked at the study table near the window 'back to you messy' I said walking towards the table and pulled open the drawer I looked at my old phone.. It was new but I used it for two months and had to change it coz Lipa gifted me a new one when I got my job she said If I keep using the old phone my standards would come down.. I took out the phone switched the sims and memory card logged in to all my account and apps and charged it.

The next day I woke up by the knock on my door.. To be honest it wasn't a knock it it was beating the Shit out of my door, I opened the door and it was Lipa 'I have something for you' she said 'what' I said yawing 'First go freshen up' she pushed me towards my room I got in bathed throw on some washed clothes and still I was sleepy. As I stepped into the kitchen it smelled so dame good!! 'Pancake?' I asked her 'Yeah...' she said sliding the plate towards me 'What's do you have for me??' I asked her 'You have a lot of degrees right??!' she asked 'Ya.. ' I said 'And one of them includes Business management' she said as I hummed 'I got a job for you.. You know the new cafe down the block??' she asked 'the one with amazing cheesecake??' I questioned 'Yep that.. They are looking for a manager.. Well I got the offer but am gonna let you take it..i can barely handle mine!' she said 'Okay!! I will go speak to them' I said stuffing the pancake 'Oh sweetie I have already spoken to them.. Your gonna start today from 11:30 to 3:30 in the noon' she said 'Omo-' I chocked 'Here.. And if you do this right.. You may have a chance to be the co-owner if the café the one now thinks the business will not grow' she said placing a glass of water 'Aishh..' I needed some time to actually Annalise what is happen.. Like I need subtitles below coz I just woke up and I already have in new job and If I do it right I will be the half owner.. It's too much for a young girl like me!! 'Did you call him??' she put up a question 'Him who??' I asked 'Pabooya!! The guy from the concert!!' she shouted at me it seemed like she was more interested in this relationship than me 'Yep the guys name is Lucif' I said 'Lucky!!' she whispered 'What?!' I was shocked 'Your lucky his name is Lucif in some places it's kinda healthy name' she said 'Ya.. And the some places is hell' I said 'so what did he say??' she asked again and this time I had to explain the whole story to her.
Times skipped and I still had a lot of time before I leave for work I looked at my broken phone and the old phone placed together 'Life's Shit!!' I said to myself and the notification tone rang 'who is it now!!' I rolled the eyes and walked towards the phone.. It was a message from Lucif ya... I kinda like his name now.. Lucifer.. Lucif..

A/n >>
I know this part is short but while typing it I planned for bring 'chat version'
Stay tuned
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What do you think might happen next??

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