9. One Night At The Concert

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"Heyy welcome to tape nine!! So.. Me and Lipa fought and now we are back together.. Lu remember when we were at a bar and one random guy walked up to me and suddenly grabbed my waist and flirt with me? I tried so hard to push him but he was too strong and at the same time when you walked in wrapping your arms around me and gave a death glare to the guy and he backed off just like that! You had said 'Your mine huh-and if anyone tried to harm you they are gonna face me first' that line is kinda cheesy but it gave me butterflies. You know what. We both have different ways to deal with people when they flirt, as in you come up and be like 'She is taken' or you will even punch the guy. But me am way too different like if some girl tries to flirt with you I'll be like 'He is cute right...' I'll kinda be on the flirts side and when it's the right time I'll spill the truth.

Lu, the only decision that I haven't regreted yet is meeting you,  dating you.  You were there with me no matter what happen, it's been six years and now in six hour it will be seventh year... Remember I told you that am gonna ask a question, yes LUCIFER.M.GRACE will you marry me??"

Ria stops recording "and the final one" she says marking the tape, she takes out her phone and dials Lucifer "Heyy!! Are you free right now??" she asks
"Can you meet me at cafe??"
"Okay! I'll be there in 15"
"love ya!"
"love you too!!"

She drives to the cafe which was decorated with flowers and balloons and a lot of other stuff. She walks into her office sweating from head to toe "Hey!! All the best" Jen says walking into the office "Am so dame nervous" Ria says "Am gonna punch him in the face if he says no!!" Lipa walks in "Really!!" Jen asked "Lol no! Am not that brave" Lipa replies "He is here" one of the staff shouts "wipe that sweat off first" Jen says "We'll be there okay! And all the best".

Ria takes a deep breath and picks up a small brown box, she again takes a deep breath before exiting the office.

As Lucif walks into the cafe balloons sticked on the wall above the door busts letting out small pieces of paper, as the fog machine started which covered almost the whole cafe. He walked few steps and slowly the fog started disappear and there Ria was keening, tears filled there eyes "MARRY ME WILL YOU?" Ria asked.

Stay tuned!!
And let me know what you think will happen next ♡♡

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