7. One Night At The Concert

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"Yay~~• you made it to tape 7!! So after our first date Lucif dropped me home I remember when he was standing on the door step waiting for me to invite him in and I almost did. It was kinda scene from HER PRIVATE LIFE where  Sung Deok-min's home will be filled with Kpop idols pics, cardboard Stands, posters and stuff and Ryan Gold will have no idea about it and she is kinda embarrassed to invite him in.. Well in my case my room was a mess I lived in this small house which had one kitchen one restroom and a hall which shared of living room and bedroom, there were unwashed cloths bras and shirts on the floor and a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.. Sounds more like a teenager's room right(laughs)
Anyways so when he was about to step in I kissed him making him stop.. Never thought my first kiss would be like this! "Wow.. That was unexpected" he widen his eyes "Well.. Surprise" I said "You should be on your way it's late" I made an excuse "Okay then.. Bye have a great sleep dear" He said, perked on my lip and walked off. I stood by the door until he got in the car and drove, I remember slamming the door and sliding onto it, a perfect kiss for me is where I lift one of my leg up like princesses do in the Disney I expected my first kiss to be like that but-  So this is how our first date went.. For the next few months the same went on he would drop me we would kiss the same thing on loop, until our second date where it kinda gets emotional for both of us!

Well our second date was kinda different then our first, Lucif was cold towards me but then he was trying to be this soft person just for me coz I cry very easily and me... I was the same but a bit more crazier, this time it was a picnic. Lucif insisted so much for me to wear the cloth he chose! Like he would not turn on the car until I agree to him... Well that may annoy but it's actually cute when your in a relationship! When I agreed and we got to the destination it was again a park but this time it seemed different, we were almost to complete our lunch when he started with 'This place, this spot! Me and Jenna used to come here. In fact this was our favorite spot, we used to sit here for hours and also decision our future she always used to say AM NOT SURE when ever I asked her about our future together as in a family' I felt that Shit he had told... I went in for a hug, tried to give him the warmest  hug ever! 'Who was your first love??' he asked 'Mine?' I was shook. I began with my first ever crush that was a very straight girl 'Ninth grade, but different sections' I continued, I still remember the way I described her every inch of her everything about her. 'She was this devil from below who changed me into this totally different person!' I went on 'she?!' he asked 'Yes.. Am a bi don't judge me' I said 'please.. ' I added 'Why would I judge you.. It's who you are' his reply made me smile 'Okay.. So it took me two months for telling her how I feel and when I did she used me' I started tearing up 'Use as in?' he asked 'As in gaining popularity, friends, win, everything... She and I were best friends in others eyes but in ours we were this happy couple until I caught her' I sniffed 'it was festival season and we had to do this dance and we were in make up room where she took my phone instead of hers.. And yes we had the same phone case just different phone. She kissed me on the forehead before leaving and after few seconds her phone started vibrating so fast it almost fell down, I saw texts that slut shaming me calling me stuff and a lot of things that hurt me!' I stopped took a minute while the warm wind hit my face 'I was a mess before the dance even began, I messed up everything the dance, friends everything... I remember when she walked to me after the performance she saw me reading those text she saw me reading text from that one group called RIA-ILL she snatched the phone of my hand telling she can explain. I snatched it back asking her what else is there to be explained and at a point I throw the phone at her that left a bruise on her forehead my last words to her was 'Your just like any other homophobic Fucking people on this earth!' I cried.. Cried so hard that people around us though that Lucif did something that hurt me. 
We drove back to my home and this time I had cleaned my room Evey inch was cleaned. And once again the senerio repeated him standing on the door step and I invited him in, his first words were after getting in was 'cute' it was shocking coz I never heard him say that it was always 'hmm' or 'nice'. 'What would you like water, tea or coffee?' I asked him 'coffee' he answered"
Ria stopped recording "Reality hits hard" she said to her self.

A/n ‹•.•›
Hope your enjoying it!! Stay tuned and let me know what you think in the comments.

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