14. Fix

761 33 11

Third person POV:

"Hermit purple!"

Multiple purple thorn-covered vines were roaming around your TV as Joseph called out his stand.

You felt bad for not being useful to know about your father's location, but apparently that wasn't much of a problem when hermit purple exists.

You had fun playing and wandering around yesterday because of your birthday, but you don't have anymore time to waste.

"Ah, it started showing!" Pol remarked while poiting out at the screen, then it showed a somewhat big building.

The building felt familiar and you kept on focusing to try to find out its whereabouts. Of course, you were the only one who can do it since the rest are foreigners.

Everyone continued gazing at you then you suddenly spoke up:
"I remember!" cheerfully you clapped your hands but not for so long, as another realisation hit you.

"But.. it's a little far away from here, takes about a day by car and it's the only way there." You sadly explained.

"Hahaa.." Pol laughed loudly which earned a questioning expression from you.
"Only? One day only? Lady that's not much at all, we spent more than a month just to travel from Japan to Egypt."

You looked at the rest who didn't seem to be bothered as well, so you felt relieved.

"We depart now!"

With that being said, all of you got out.
You locked your house door and hopped in the car on the passenger seat beside Polnareff who was driving.

You looked around at Jotaro who seemed annoyed at the fact that you're not sitting together, you gave him a reassuring smile so he would understand that it's the only way to give directions to Pol.

The ride was not so awkward, just like usual but deep down you were a little anxious, you held your necklace and closed your eyes, wishing everything will get done just smoothly.


"Ugh.." Pol grumbled, "I'm hungry.."

Kakyoin shook his head: "All you do is whine, Polnareff san."

"What are you talking about? I'm doing an affort here and you are just sitting in the back, of course I would get hungry I need energy-"

"Ok ok we get it," Pol was cut off by Joseph, who asked him to park on the side after finding a nearby restaurant.

"It's lunch time anyway." The old man checked his watch and continued: "But we can't waste time eating in the restaurant, we'll have take-outs. Who wants t-"

"I'll go with Y/n." Jotaro blankly stated and stepped out of the vehicle, opened your door and reached out his arm.

You were taken aback for a second at how fast all of that happened, also at the fact that Jotaro was acting out of character.
Nevertheless you gladly took his hand and got down of the car.

Kakyoin's POV:

I couldn't believe that Jotaro actually can be a gentleman when he wants to.
Well, so this confirms my doubts, he likes Y/n.

"Did you see that!" Pol exclaimed at Jotaro's action and looked at me and mister Joseph.

"Haha.. looks like my grandson is a human after all."

True.. Jotaro has feelings after all, but she's older than him! well age doesn't matter that much.

The question is, Is he aware that we only have few more days to go back..

Back to 3rd person POV:

You smiled to yourself feeling Jotaro's grip still on your hand, he didn't let go even after you started walking.
"Jotaro." you called him, and he looked down at you.

You just smiled widely at him and you could see a hint of pink on his cheeks.
"What?" he asked, back to his usual self.

"What do we get the others? We didn't even ask." you told him.

Jotaro tipped his hat as if he completely forgot that you have to go back, then both of you made your way inside the restaurant, ordering sandwiches since plates won't do.

You went back to the car with food, you got in your seat and glanced at Jotaro who was glaring daggers at Joseph. Looks like he hates sitting next to his grandfather but there's nothing to do about it.

You ate and went on with the ride, finally getting there at night.
"That building, there!" you pointed at the familiar building, getting flashback just from its sight.

You flinched, but relaxed after feeling a hand on your shoulder, it was Jotaro.

"Don't worry Y/n, we're with you." Joseph reassured you.

"They don't know we're here, plus it's night, we're at an advantage here." Kakyoin added.

"Now how do we get in?" Polnareff wondered but you already had an answer to that.
You remembered a secret exit that you discovered with your sister when you played hide and seek, you could get in using that door.

"Follow me." you commanded, somehow proud of your idea, but it didn't even look like you were the one leading because Jotaro stood in front of you as a defence the whole time.

"Let me at least see the path, Jotaro." you whispered but he didn't budge, and it appeared that he found the exit already.

Without any hesitation, Star Platinum broke down the metallic door and Jotaro entered, you all followed suit.

What you didn't see coming was, the moment everyone set foot inside, a security alarm went off.

Loud annoying beeps along with blinding red flashing lights were all over the room you stood in.
"Oh shit." Joseph shouted, "Let's go that way!" you followed him, but if it weren't for him poiting his finger at the direction, you wouldn't have heard him because of all that noise.

All of you stopped running down the hallway when a figure appeared from the wall by Jotaro's side.
Well, that is to his unfortunate, because Jotaro sent him flying with just one punch.
"Yare yare daze.. that's a shame for all stand users."

As you kept going up the building, you encountered many security guards, but they were almost harmless you could say, and all you wanted is to find your father.

'Where..' you wondered, but soon you smirked, knowing exactly where you could find him.

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