Chapter 14

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*Pia Pov*

"We will meet soon right? I can meet you when I come to Mumbai right?" Suma asked when a cab stopped infront of us.

"Ofcourse! We can meet but in Kolkata as I will return there after few days." I replied.

She nodded and I got inside the cab. When it started to move I waved at her and she waved back smiling. I leaned against the window feeling good that I came here.

That day I got angry because I allowed the pain to consume me. It shouldn't happen again so I tried my best to put up another wall which will make sure that I will not get affected by anything.

No matter what happens that will not break and I will make sure of it. With all these thoughts I didn't saw that the cab has stopped infront of my house.

I got down seeing many cars parked near the both houses. I frowned but paid the cab and went inside carrying my bag.

I saw Arthi sitting with my Mom and everyone are wearing white color dresses. What is Arthi doing here?

"Arthi! What are you doing here? You should be in Paris right?" I asked her and she immediately saw me.

I can see the tears in her eyes. She rushed near me and hugged crying. I rubbed her back and asked "Please tell me what happened?"

"She. She.. is dead." She replied releasing.

"Who?" I asked her confused.

"Bhai's wife! She killed herself." She replied rubbing her eyes.

"What?" I asked her in shock.

"Yeah! Sushant and I went to airport as we were leaving for paris. But some plane got crashed so some planes are stopped. We decided to go to our new house. But the keys are in Bhai's house as we bought the house beside his. Anyway when we got there the door was opened and we called both of them but no one was there." She replied frowning.

"Then?" I asked her to continue.

"We then heard the cries when we went to his room we saw her hanged up on the fan. We immediately called Bhai and police." She explained but my brain just got dazed.

What the hell just happened?

"But why did she do it?" I asked them confused.

"We don't know but Bhai got her suicide letter which he gave it to the Police. So only Bhai and police know the reason behind it and they are not saying anything to us. We stopped asking as there are other things we need to take care of." Arthi replied.

"So it happened one week before but you guys didn't inform me." I said looking at them.

"It didn't cross our mind. With police on our backs and also with the baby to care." Mom said looking at me.

"How is she?" I asked them.

"Not fine Pia! She needs a consistent person to take care but we all have different duties so we can take care of her only in intervals. Mom is not feeling well and I can't do it continuously as I need to perform the duties towards my In-Laws too. As for Aunty she is busy in taking care of the guests and all of us." Arthi replied.

"Where is Nikki?" I asked her and at the same time Nikki entered the living room with very tired face.

"Pia! Thank god you are here." She said hugging me.

"What happened to you?" I asked her.

"They gave all the work to me in your absence Pia." She replied.

"I will talk to them later. I am so sorry." I said and turned towards Arthi.

"Can I see her?" I asked and she nodded.

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