Chapter 13

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*Pia Pov*

"Hey Arthi!" I said shaking her which I am doing for the past ten minutes. I looked at Nikki to see she is getting ready.

It's 1am and Arthi needs to wake up now otherwise she will get late in getting ready properly.

Finally she groaned and opened her eyes. We all just got very few hours sleep and I still don't know why did they selected this time to get these both married.

She went inside the wash room to get ready and then the makeup artist came even at this time of hour. Finally Arthi is ready completely and we all went near the venue together which is quiet near to our houses.

After few minutes the groom reached the venue but before he could step inside 'Seemaan puja' is conducted in which bride's parents wash the groom's feet and shower him with gifts.

Sush face was priceless when this all is happening. But I saw that Aunty is kind of in pain when she was bending.

"What happened Aunty?" I asked her.

"I am fine Pia. Don't worry!" She replied smiling.

I helped her to stand up and we all went inside near the Mandap. As both Bride and Groom should not see each other 'Antarpat Ritual' is done in which a silk partition is held between them.

After the priest chanted few mantras, it is removed and we threw broken rice on the couple. By this 'Sankalp Ritual' is finished.

When 'Kanyadanam Ritual' is going on where bride's father places her hand on groom's hand, Nikki hit me on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked her glaring.

"His family!" she replied pointing towards the front row.

I looked up to see 'His family' as told by Nikki. But looking at it made me fist my hand which is totally wrong so I released it and observed her.

She is really a beauty and is talking to him. I can see only his back as he turned towards her and talking to her.

They must be a happy couple. Well it's already six months since they got married ofcourse they will be a happy couple.

I shook my head and looked down to see Sush tying mangalsutra around Arthi's neck and then he put the vermillion on her forehead.

After that Arthi put a sandlewood tikka on Sush's forehead. They both got up to do the 'Satapadhi ritual' where they both take seven rounds around the sacred fire, reiterating seven holy vows of matrimony.

Then Arthi touched the seven small heaps of rice with her right foot.

After they sat down I asked "Sush! Who do you want to twist your ear? Uncle or Arthi's brother!"

"Where is he?" he asked looking around. As Uncle is standing near him, I can understand that he is looking for her brother.

"She is not feeling well so he took her home. He will come back soon." Aunty replied.

So Uncle twisted Sush's ear and we asked him to do it more as per 'Karmasampathi Ritual'. Everyone walked towards the entrance as it is time for Arthi to leave.

She hugged me first and started crying. I released her and said "Don't waste them Arthi. We will be meeting frequently and we know Sush he will miss us more than you."

She laughed and turned to hug the remaining. I looked at the time to see it's 4am so I bid 'Bye' to Nikki and turned to leave through back door as there are many people at the front entrance.

When I stepped out of the backdoor I saw that it is quiet dark here and there are no lights. I carefully took small steps and successfully turned the corner.

But the success didn't last long as I got collided with someone but they held me from falling. I looked up to see only two pairs of eyes looking at me.

"I am coming from back door Dad." He said and put his mobile down which I didn't saw until now.

That is not the important problem here because I know that voice from anywhere in this world. He is still holding me and I am still looking at him.

The same voice which I fell in love with. The same voice which I can easily know who it belongs to even in my sleep. The same voice which is haunting me but not from the time he got married.

Married! With that thought entered my mind I immediately released myself from his hold. How can I think like this about a married man? I feel so disgusted with myself.

He is still looking at me like he couldn't believe I am standing infront of him. I took few deep breaths and then looked at him again.

"How is your wife feeling now?" I asked him in monotone.

"Fine!" he whispered the answer.

"Good bye!" saying this I immediately moved away from him and left the place.

I already called a cab which is waiting for me infront of my house. I took my bag from the room and entered it.

Leaning on the window I closed my eyes and tried to forget that I even met him just now. I am so stupid how I stayed like that even though I know that he is not mine.

He is hers! Who is a beauty and I am sure very good person. When will this pain go away and will not return like ever.

I want to be happy! Is it too much to ask for?

When I reached the shoot site I saw someone else getting down from the cab. I turned to see and saw Suma coming towards me.

"Oh Thank god! I thought that I will be all alone here until I make some friends. Now you are here I am so happy." She said smiling.

"Me too!" I said and we both went near the reception of the hotel present there. We both decided to take the same room.

"I promise you that you will not get bored at all with my company." She said when we were placing our bags inside the room.

"I am sure I will not. So you are here to perform in show or to give tips to them?" I asked her.

"I will perform for few weeks in this show as there are no shows in the company. So they send me here as it will promote the company." She replied sitting on the bed.

We both decided to sleep for sometime as we both are tired. I lay down on the bed and turned towards the wall.

He is married to really a beautiful girl. And have a great family.

Pain! Please just go away for my sake.....    


So finally here 'Her' is his wife. And they married six months ago as i told you guys before the leap........

They finally saw each other again after eight months..........

K dont hate me because there is still so much story...............

Next two chaps are important or maybe only next chap but it is important for the story and comment your views about turn out events.

I know many of you thought that he is not married and all but i too don't like it to happen. But the story actually needs this......

Ok i will not talk much and irritate you all.....

Comment plz and vote..................

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