Chapter 26

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*Aman Pov*

I woke up hearing the cries from Angel. I got up and went near her to see that it is already past 9am. I lifted her and rocked her so that she can fall asleep again.

But looks like she has other plans because she stopped crying and didn't fall asleep at all. So I took her near Pia and lay down. I played with her fingers and she played with mine.

"Let's wake up your Mom ok." I whispered and she smiled making me kiss her head.

"Pia! Pia! Wake up!" I said placing my face on her shoulder.

"Hmm.." she mumbled but didn't wake up.

"Pia! Angel is asking for you." I said smiling.

"Why does she always ask for me when she is near you?" She asked opening her eyes and smiling.

"I don't know! Maybe she doesn't like me that much." I replied shrugging.

"Liar!" she said hitting my shoulder.

"See Angel your Mom is calling me a liar." I said with shock on my face.

"Mom!" Pia mumbled and placed her hand on Angel cheek.

"You are her Mom Pia and there is no change in that. You love her more than her own mother did." I said in serious tone.

"We forgot about that. You still have to tell me so much but first tell me so Angel is not actually a pre-mature baby." She said frowning.

"Nope! I know everyone will get that doubt so I informed everyone about her after one week." I said and she nodded.

"I will tell you everything after our date." I added and got up from the bed.

"Date and at this age Aman?" She asked teasingly.

"Hey I am just 26 and you my dear are just 24." I replied shrugging.

"That is going to change in few days." She said smiling.

"We will celebrate it together with our friends, family and mainly Angel." I said looking at her.

"We will!" She promised with her eyes.

We both got ready and I asked Sushant to take care of Angel until I return. I already packed my clothes so that I can spend on our date until last second.

We took a taxi and reached the place where I want to take her. When she entered she looked around amazed and turned towards me saying "Wow! Garden of five senses."

I took her hand in mine and walked inside together. There are sculptures and murals on the walkways surrounded by flowering and fragrant shrubs and trees. We just gazed them but didn't mind them that much and walked talking to each other.

"Let's eat something. I am hungry." She said and we went to the food court in it to have some breakfast.

There are not many people around so it was more pleasant. We roamed until afternoon and even had Lunch from there itself. After that I took her to another place and I am sure she will love it too.

The Dilli Haat! I personally love this place as there are so many handicrafts stuff and I am sure Pia also has the same taste.

She did she loved each and everything. We bought some for our friends and I bought one ethnic wear for her. I took one handicraft doll which is actually a heart without her notice.

When we sat a little far away to eat the ice cream I said "Pia! I should have told you this way before. But better late than never right so I want to tell you now."

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