Chapter 1

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*Pia pov*

I looked at the clock infront of me to see that in few minutes the silence surrounding me is going to be stolen by my favorite people.

So I released the sketches from my hand on the table after closing them with their respective caps and started cracking my knuckles.

The Pop! Pop! Pop! Of each cracked knuckle is so sweetly satisfying to me. After releasing the stress from them I started jiggling my foot up and down. Feeling contended I stood from the chair where I have been sitting for three hours continuously.

Thank god the assignment is over. Now I can enjoy the whole day tomorrow without having anything in my mind to feel pressure.

I took few steps towards the window and open the blinds. My window is kind of a big one with no grills and gives the feeling of a balcony. I leaned a little forward placing my arms on the window to look at the beautiful sky.

Mainly the moon which is actually my favorite thing to gaze at everyday. A smile definitely broke out from my face whenever I look at it. I even love the quotes about the moon, stars and sky.

I read them all the time and I share them with the people close to me. I then lifted my gaze from the moon and looked at the window infront of me. That window belongs to the room where the person I like lives.

In few minutes those blinds are also going to open. I looked behind to see the clock strike 12. Then I looked at the door to see it opening slowly with two ‘Shush’ sounds making me laugh a little.

“Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you.” I heard my Mom and Dad singing while entering along with a small cake in my Dad hands.

They smiled brightly after singing and came near me. I hugged both of them taking the wishes.

My Dad Suhas Godse and my Mom Divya Godse are the most sweetest and loving people. I can’t ask for better parents. I am the single child and as usual got lot of pampering.

We heard the blinds opening so we turned to see the two people who give a tough competition to my parents in the sweet and loving category.

They are none other than Harish Jaykar and Shruthi Jaykar. These four are actually the best friends at the college time and continued their friendship making it strong by each passing day.

Uncle is actually the CEO of Jaykar group of industries. My Dad works as a managing director to it. Uncle offered partnership but my Dad didn’t take the offer saying he wants to retire whenever he want and spend with his family.

Unlike my parents they actually have two children. Arthi Jaykar who is one year younger than me and Aman Jaykar who is two years older than me.

My Aman! I thought sighing. He is the person whom I like with my whole heart. The more interesting news is even though we both have two years age gap we both born on the same date.

“Happy birthday Pia!” I heard three voices shouting from their house. Yeah! There is compound between these two houses but it never put the distance between these both families.

“Thank you!” I said and let my eyes search for that person for whom I am actually waiting.

“Where is Aman?” Dad asked and I thanked him in my head.

“He actually wanted to celebrate his birthday with his friends as usual like last year.” Aunty said sighing.

Immediately my face fell but it’s ok. I mean at this age it is common to wish like that. I looked at Arthi to see she is giving me the knowing look.

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