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*After two Years*

*Pia Pov*

I got up from my seat only to hear three voices asking the same question. Oh god! Please save me from this sweet torture.

"Are you ok?" This is the question asked by Aman, Sush and surprisingly Kalyan.

"I am fine guys. If you ask me that question again I will elope with Anjali." I replied glaring at them.

"Mama!" Anjali who is none other than Angel said who clutched herself to me because of new faces around her.

"Yeah! You will come with Mama Right?" I asked her smiling.

She nodded and placed her head on my shoulder. I turned around only to see three panic faces looking at me.

"Why are you guys so terrified for me? I am pregnant and not ill." I asked rolling my eyes.

"Because you are my wife!" Aman replied.

"Because you are my sister!" Sush replied.

"Because you are my daughter!" Kalyan replied making us all look at him with eye brows raised.

"What? That reply is very good and better than theirs right." He said looking at our expressions.

"Go and call your wife Kalyan. I need to complain about you." I said glaring at him.

"Don't you dare do that! My hands are already hurting by washing all the utensils." He said pressing his hands.

"Is he telling lies again?" Nikki the new famous fashion designer asked coming near us.

"He is saying that he washed all the utensils." I replied smirking.

She rolled her eyes and said "If washing one spoon is regarded as all the utensils then yeah he did them."

"He atleast washed that one single spoon but my husband here doesn't even changed our baby diaper." Priya said glaring at Rajeev.

I looked at Aman and he smiled at me. He moved near me and held me to him closely.

"You guys are very bad. Aru! I am the best husband right?" Sush asked looking at Arthi.

She gave him a bored expression holding her one year baby boy and replied "If that's what you want me to tell them."

We burst out laughing and she followed us. Sush pouted and started complaining about the great things he does. Rajeev and Kalyan followed his suite.

"Are you not going to say anything?" I asked Aman who is just looking at me.

"Nah! I am fine with whatever you think about me." he replied kissing my head.

"You are the perfect husband." I said smiling.

"Pia! Here we are fighting for our rights and you just can't give that statement." Nikki said glaring at me.

"Sorry!" I mumbled.

"Shhh.. Guys! My wife is coming." Dinesh scolded us and we turned around to see Suma walking on the ramp with the same confidence which she always talk about.

"She is the best!" Dinesh said clapping.

"And somebody is smitten here." Rajeev mumbled making Dinesh throw a glare at him.

"We would like to call Mrs. Pia Jayakar to come upon the stage who is behind the success of this 'Moon Collections'." I heard Mr.Prakash calling me.

I tried to remove Anjali from me but she just clutched to me completely. I took a deep breath and walked towards the stage with as much care as I can.

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