Neetha's Note

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Hey guys! Sorry this is not a chapter and the story is really over that is my seventh one. :)

I know it is smaller than the before one but there is nothing more there to tell you all.

So this story is really finish and i also want to say that i didn't wrote the mails Aman wrote for Pia but i just want you guys feel how she felt while reading them. I think that is enough because i am not that good at letters..

And i forgot to thank everyone in the previous chap as i updated in hurry. So thank u all for the support you gave to this book too...

Thanks to the silent readers too for letting me know your presence.

And ofcourse for the commenters who helped me by clearing my doubts about this story at many levels...

I actually have two stories in my mind but i have this werewolf story to finish. About that i am actually having a fickle mind about completing that or not but i will complete it soon.

If i complete it before the feb is over then i will start a new story soon but if i can't then i cannot update a story until June mostly .......

Let's think positive here so i believe that i will finish the werewolf one soon then i need to start one story.

Do you guys want a story with little fun, little sad and fights i mean couple fights


Most part of the story consists of pain?

Choose guys and i will accept your decision for sure.............

Bye guys and we will meet in werewolf story and about that i am not asking you guys to support it because that is my first one so it will be completely different than the stories i am writing now. I just want to delete the half story i posted in the other ID so i am reposting it here and also trying to complete it so that i can feel like there is nothing in my writings to be completed.

So that's it and just ignore that story if u want but if u like it just let me know........

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