Chapter 18

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*Aman Pov*

"I don't give a damn about what you say or what you do." Her words ringed in my head continuously when I am driving towards my Company.

"Aman! I know she was harsh but...." Rajeev started saying but he stopped himself.

I gripped the wheel tightly and I am sure my knuckles must have turned white. I gave him a side look and asked "But what?"

"She is right you know. You need to take the responsibility. And I am sure she doesn't mean the words she told you." He replied.

"Ofcourse she means them. She never lies." I said with a blank face.

"Well then we have to make her take the words back." He said shrugging.

"How?" I asked him curiously.

"Jealousy my friend jealousy! It is best enemy of any women and mainly a wife. I have a perfect girl for this." He replied.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what you are saying? I can never cheat on my wife." I said stopping at him and stopped the car taking it sideway.

"Why did you stop the car?" he asked looking at me.

"Get out! Get out of my car and come to office on your own." I replied coldly and unlocked the doors.

"You are so dramatic Aman. I am not saying to cheat and I know that it is very wrong thing to do ok. I have a wife for god sake. I am just saying to act closely to the girl I am saying and you can see emotions for you on Pia's face." He said smiling.

The offer is tempting to see the emotions on her face. But I know it may also make me far away from her if anything goes wrong.

"No! I will not do it and I will not act closely to any girl other than her." I said glaring at him.

"Says the man who was already married once and also had a baby. Shut... I am sorry." He immediately added after saying it.

I didn't say anything. I just looked ahead with a thought that she must be thinking of me the same right.

"Ok fine you need not act like anything just let her do all the work. And trust me it will not be out of line." He said and I nodded slightly making him smile.

I started driving again thinking maybe this is not a correct thing to do. I can't think anymore as we reached the Company.

After the meetings are over Rajeev asked all of us to return to my home and planned something for the evening. I am still having second thoughts about this.

When we reached there, Pia and Nikhila are still working on the designs. They all sat on the couch and I went near them.

"Did you guys atleast had lunch?" I said looking at their work spread over the table.

"Yeah! You guys?" Pia asked looking at me.

I nodded and went inside the kitchen to bring some water to all of us. We all sat in the living room and I looked directly at Pia.

I asked the contractor to put a partition between living room and dining room but he never did. Now looks like it is good that he didn't.

"Uhmm.. Pia! We are decided to go to club today. You guys have to come with us." Rajeev said looking at them.

She glanced at him and said "Sorry! I can't come as I have some other plans but what about Angel. I thought of leaving her at Sush house."

"I already called Mom. She said she will take care of her until we return." Arthi said.

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