Chapter 7

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*Sushant Pov*


The way Pia told her answer just got struck to all of us. When she turned to go away we didn't saw her face but her voice was still ringing in our ears.

Nikhila and Arthi followed her after few minutes and then Jaykar's decided to go home as it is getting really late.

"Guys! You all stay in our home for today." Aunty said and left Pia's house.

Aman followed them but before leaving with them I went to the Pia's room and immediately informed her that I will meet her later. Then I left her home following Aman.

When we reached his room we were all silent and sat on the chairs calmly. Aman started pacing around that too with a big frown on his face.

"I know I was harsh on her. But is my decision wrong?" Aman asked looking at us.

"Don't worry Aman. You are totally right." Dinesh replied patting his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and said "Yeah Dinesh! He is totally right."

They both frowned as each word I said is dripping with tons of sarcasm. I can't lie to him just because he is my friend.

"Rajeev! You tell me am I wrong?" Aman asked looking at Rajeev.

"You have been so quiet even there. Tell me am I really wrong?" Aman added.

"Aman! The fact that you need to ask us whether you are wrong or not proves one thing. That you actually know the answer for your own question." Rajeev replied shrugging.

Aman sighed and sat on his bed saying "I know I am wrong. I shouldn't have been harsh on her."

"That is not the only mistake you have done Aman. You disrespected her feelings labeling them as some 'Crush'." I said looking at him.

"I know. But if I don't think them like that I will feel guilty for my whole life for hurting her." He said holding his head.

"That's the stupid thing you have ever done. You have hurt her more by doing this. Anyways she doesn't deserve you." I said getting up.

"What?" he asked looking at me.

"Yeah! She doesn't deserve you at all. You are just some selfish person." I said and turned to leave.

"Sushant! You do not understand me. I am just 23 and my parents are talking about my marriage. And that happened just because they got to know Pia's feelings. When I was leaving for M.S they talked about getting me married after I settled in the company properly. But now it all just changed." He said stopping me.

"So? Is it her mistake that she is so innocent that she can't hide her feelings like all of us?" I asked glaring at him.

"Ofcourse not! It's just that... it's just I blamed her because I don't know what else to do. It was really shocking for me. I know I shouldn't have talked to her like that. But for last three days I am very disturbed thinking that she cried just because of me." He replied.

"But this is not the way Aman." Rajeev said shaking his head.

"I know guys. But I think atleast now she will hate me and forget about me. Then she can be happy after that right?" Aman asked looking at us expecting us to answer positively.

"We don't know about that. But I just want to say one thing. Everyone doesn't act like we think they will after any incident and everyone is different from others." Saying this I left his room.

I don't want to stay there so I left to go to my home. I slept hoping she will be fine.

Next day I went to Aman's house to see him and Arthi in serious discussion. Rajeev and Dinesh are looking at them with wide eyes.

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