Chapter 9

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*Sushant Pov*


"Really? I can't believe this." I said to Arthi on the phone.

"Yeah! He actually went to Kolkata to meet Pia. And then he got to know that she has a boy friend so now he accepted to marry any girl Dad and Mom chose for him." Arthi said in one breath.

"I am worried for him as he didn't look like he is happy at all. I don't want to do anything stupid again so I called you." She added when I didn't say anything.

"Don't worry! I will talk to him." I said but there was smile evident on my face.

After that lying incident she is staying away completely from all these. If she wants to do anything she just asks me and I am very happy to be her guide.

She is sweet one and loves everyone near her. She is even talented as she proved in my company. I am asking her everytime to go a join in her brother's company but she is not listening to me.

After hanging up I drifted off into sleep as I need to talk to him before he does anything stupid.

Next day I went to his house and entered his room directly. He was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling lost in his thoughts.

"So you decided to get married? That too anyone they chose if I may add." I said sitting beside him.

"Hey! I didn't saw you." he said getting up.

"Looks like you are very lost. Now tell me the reason for this stupid decision." I said looking at him.

He sighed and said "You will not say this to Arthi or anyone else ok."

I nodded in confusion then he continued saying "Mom needs lung transplantation. There is very long time for that but as her blood group is 'o-', we are not very sure that we will get a donor."

"What? That's very sad and what has it to do with your marriage?" I asked him more confused and feeling sad for Aunty.

"She thinks that she is going to die after sometime. So she wants me to get settled and after that even Arthi. By that she is saying she will not regret to miss anything." He replied smiling sadly.

"Arthi?" I asked and felt little weird about that.

"Yeah! I wanted to marry..." he didn't continue that sentence and fell into silence.

"Pia!" I said completing his sentence and he just nodded.

"You love her?" I asked him in shock.

"Yes! I do from nearly these past two years." He replied.

"Then why didn't you told her that?" I asked him and felt like to hit him on his head.

"I kept on sending mails after I get to know that she left Mumbai. But she never replied and I thought her anger must be the reason. Then I thought she must be not checking them at all but then I heard you talking about her mail to you. So I guess she just ignored my ones only." He replied.

"You Idiot! She has new account now and not the old one after she went to Kolkata." I said standing up.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah! She just forgot her password for the old one. She informed us the very next day she reached there. I guess she really didn't read them." I replied shaking my head.

He suddenly laughed but there is no humor and said "What a luck do I have don't I? Anyway I can't blame luck when I am the one stupid enough to choose that mode."

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