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Kaminari POV

The awkwardness increases in the room and Jirou twirls her jacks, looking away from Kaminari, who twiddles his thumbs around in circles before clearing his throat, and Jirou turns to look at him. “So, um…” Kaminari attempts once again to break the silence between them. “Do you have… anything to show me, out of… this?” Kaminari asks, he was referring to the 3DS, he wanted to know how to get as good as her, but Jirou instead seemed to light up and she goes over to the box instead of taking out  her 3DS she takes out a manga. “Huh?” Kaminari asks but upon seeing how brightly Jirou’s face, he shuts up and lets her do her thing. “H-have you ever h-heard of Nisekoi?” Jirou asks him nervously, holding out a copy that apparently volume 1 of the manga. “Um, yeah, I have.” Kaminari answers. He had heard of it, it was published in his subscription of Shonen Jump manga as a kid but to be honest he just skipped over it all the time. Up to this day he never understood why it was even serialized in Shonen Jump since he always saw it as a ‘gross’ Shojou manga and that he was way too ‘manly ‘or ‘boyish’ to read it. “Really?” Jirou exclaims, looking a bit more excited, but upon realizing her excitement she then goes back to her normal state, “N-not that I care o-or love it a lot.. or something.” She stutters and Kaminari thought immediately that this was admittedly quite cute. “It’s fine Kyouka, I uh, never read it though.” Kaminari laughs and Jirou looks at him weirdly. “And why not?” She asks him and her stare turned even harsher, forcing Kaminari to not look away. “Um, it’s like… a Shojou isn’t it..? Not really my thing and-” Kaminari tries to explain, he knew that Jirou was quite a bit of a feminist so he chose his word choices carefully. “Hmmph, and you didn’t even give it a chance…” Jirou grumbles and Kaminari looks away. “Um…” Kaminari says nervously and Jirou huffs. “Read it!” She says, shoving the first 5 from the manga in his face. “Ack!” Kaminari yells, getting smacked in the face by a small pile of manga. “Okay okay!” Kaminari complains and Jirou does a victory punk sign sticking her tongue out at him teasingly and Kaminari laughs, “Geez.” He complains but with a grin, “Start reading now, I’ll make a song to sing for you if you do.” she sighs, making the deal. “Not a bad trade! I’ll take it!” Kaminari exclaims happily and he picks up the manga. “I’ll give it a shot!” and then he opens up the manga. “D-don’t ruin it though!” She warns him and he grins, “No worries, I’m used to borrowing manga and stuff from friends!” Kaminari assures but she didn’t seem to be very assured  but lets him anyways. Jirou sits down at her desk and Kaminari reads the manga.

Jirou POV

Jirou tries her hardest to focus directly to her music, but she kept on glancing back at Kaminari, wondering whether it was a good choice to use Nisekoi, because in Nisekoi, Raku Icijyou and Chitoge Kirisaki also fake dated together and Jirou thought that is might interest him more. She glances back again, Kaminari flips the page and Jirou’s curiosity grew. No! Don’t get sidetracked! Focus on the song! She yells at her mind. She knew obviously that the song is going to take a while to make so she shouldn’t waste her time wondering about whether or not Kaminari’s enjoying Nisekoi or not.

Kaminari POV

Kaminari couldn’t understand this, he couldn’t understand it at all. Why was this manga so good? It was positively hilarious and he enjoyed it. He spend maybe 4 years, thinking over and over in his head that this manga was girly and weird so why can’t he put it down? It was having the exact same effect on him as it does as manga like One Piece. Kaminari reads on, he tried to hide his smile from Jirou and turns away from her, he made himself comfortable on the floor by avoiding her guitar cases. He also attempts to hide his interest, trying to make a dull facial expression but he couldn’t get himself to stay like that.

Sawarasenaiiiiiiii Kimi was shojou na nooooo-Chrysdamessedupauthor

... -TheNationalDex

Continue it-Chrysdamessedupauthor

No. -TheNationalDex

):0 -Chrysdamessedupauthor

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