AaaaHhhaaaahhhAaaChhHhh Im out of names for chapters

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Kaminari POV

Kaminari feels an odd sense of amusement from all this, last time he was insulted, but now he was a little more excited to see the ExtremePokémon person, well, and their friend Typhlosion. Kaminari decides once again that he wanted to go for a search for the majestic ExtremePokémon… I’m going to.. catch ExtremePokémon! Kaminari begins to have a silent fit of laughter at how bad his pun was. His 3DS does the same cute ping! It does when a new message appears, and he goes to check on it. Typhlosion: “What other shaitty games do you own?” Kaminari thinks for a bit, thinking back at the 2 other SD cards with games saved onto it. Kaminari suddenly lights up and messages him back, MarioKing: “Mario Party the top 100?” and he gets the answers, ExtremePokémon: “I own that one” Typhlosion: “I guess I own it, I can download it. Is it good?” Kaminari gasps at this, MarioKing: “Of course! It’s a Mario party game!” Typhlosion: “Nvm, own it” MarioKing: “See you there!” Kaminari suddenly felt glad that he had company again.

Timeskip multiple rounds of MARIO PARTY THE TOP

Jirou POV

Bakugou was being smug, he won first place, Jirou in last and Kaminari in 2nd. Kaminari had apparently taken this opportunity to brag to Jirou (ExtremePokémon) about his win against her, even if it was just by 7 coins. Bakugou on the other hand, was teasing Jirou about the win, but shut up when she retorted about all her wins in Super Smash Bros. And her win in Mario Kart 7 Jirou checks the time on Bakugou’s alarm clock, “Oi, it’s about time I should head off.” Jirou exclaims suddenly, getting up. She types quickly into her 3DS. ExtremePokémon: “I’m going to head off, so see ya.” and MarioKing answers with MarioKing: “Aight, see ya” and Bakugou scoffs, “Be careful he doesn’t find out about you.” He smirks at her, “I still have no fucking idea why you want to hide this part of you, it’s more interesting then your snark” and Jirou retorts with, “You’re the one to talk about snark!” and Bakugou yeets the same pillow she threw at him back at her, since it was in the same place the whole time. “Hey!” Jirou hisses and Bakugou snorts. “Your fault.” and Jirou gets up and leaves the room, turning off her 3DS.

3rd person POV

Gears and wires work in Kaminari’s brain. Wait… if this person is leaving, Kaminari looks at his phone for the time. It’s time that people aren’t allowed in other’s rooms. So that means that the person should be roaming the dorms right now heading back to their room! Kaminari thought in excitement and he yeets his 3DS onto his bed and busts out of his room, leaving the door open. ;-; He runs straight to the elevator and clicks down. Jirou on the other hand, goes to the stairs, deciding that she needed a bit of exercise. (I don’t think their dorms have a staircase… but this is my story, so who cares!!) Jirou steps up 2 at a time and gets to her room after a bit. Kaminari gets on the second floor and looks in the hallway, then goes on the 3rd floor to look around. Jirou looks at Kaminari’s dorm room, seeing that his dorm room was wide open, her eyes widen. It was a close call, if she hadn’t taken the stairs, he would have seen her and realized that she was ExtremePokémon. She sighs a sigh a relief and heads back to her room, hiding the 3DS in it’s place. Kaminari, having given up his search since nobody was anywhere in the halls. Kaminari realizes his door was wide open and closes it coming an. “Maaaan!” He sighs, flopping down on his bed. “Another fail.” he sighs and he turns off his 3DS. (before he had just closed it, making it go into sleep mode)

I'm so sleepy...-Chrysdamessedupauthor
My God, will you just go to s l e e p?! -TheNationalDex
I don't wannaa -Chrysdamessedupauthor

:man_facepalming: -TheNationalDex

Am I a fucking mood my wonderful readers? -Chrysdamessedupauthor

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