Chapter 2

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Jake walks in to see Rosa, Captain and the Instagram girl all standing in Captain Holts  office. "Perolta this is Y/n L/n, Rosas cousin" Jake holds his hand out and she shakes it 'Wow she's even more beautiful in real life!' He thinks to himself trying not to blush "Its nice to meet you!" Y/n says with a soft voice. "Y/n has been receiving some anonymous threats recently" Rosa says to Jake passing him some letters "Me and Amy are going to look into it. While we are, I really need you to move into a safe house with Y/n. You are the one I trust the most in here to look after her and keep her safe. She's the only family I really talk to anymore." Rosa says to Jake in a sad tone "Ok, I'm in"Jake says putting down the threat letters on Captains desk. "What's the plan, do we have a house to go to right now?" Jake says looking between Holt and Rosa "Yes. Terry is going to drive you both to the safe house. That way there is no car or anything left outside!
Y/ns stuff is already in Terry's car, you and transfer all your stuff into his car from your car downstairs." Rosa explained "cool then I guess that's it then." Jake says looking at Y/n.
Captain opens the door to his office and walks out closely followed by Y/n. "Thank you Jake, I know you will keep her safe." Rosa says to him. Jake smiles and walks out of the office and into the elevator with y/n
As Jake walks into the elevator he smiles at me. "How long do you think we will be locked up in the safe house for" I ask him "However long it takes Rosa and Amy to find out who is sending the threats." He says to me. I turn away not wanting to show him the fear that was on my face, he turns and gives a slight side smile "Don't worry, Rosa and Amy are both great detectives and will solve the case in no time" He says to me. I smile as the elevator pings and we are greeted by Terry "Are you guys ready to go?" He asks, I look at Jake who says "Yep, I just need to get the my stuff out my car and put it in yours" terry smiles and we walk outside to where both the cars are I get into the back of Terry's car and start scrolling through Instagram while I'm waiting for Jake and terry. A couple of minute pass and i see Jake and Terry get in the car. Jake gets in the back next to me and terry gets in the drivers seat. "Hey, I don't wanna be the one to break the bad news but when we can't go on our phones at all now." Jakes says to me "they can be tracked and people could end up knowing where we are" he added. My jaw drops I knew this safe house was going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
"Okay I understand" was all I managed to reply with. I begin to scroll back up again when Jake looks over and starts to say "didn't you post a pic of you with..." he then stoped what he was saying and turned away from me. I laughed looking at the picture of my screen. It was a picture of a YouTuber called Saffron Barker wearing the same dress I wore in a picture I posted a few weeks ago! "Yes I have the same dress I posted a pic a while ago, she copy's me sometimes" I smile at him "oh cool" Jake said embarrassed that he even brought it up!
"We are here" Terry says handing Jake a piece of paper and the keys. He points to the house "stay safe you too and hopefully it won't be long until I'm here picking you up" he then hands Jake another set of keys "there's a motorbike round the back of the house in case of a emergency, other than that do not leave. Oh and one more thing, phones please" terry says and we both hand him our turned off mobiles and get out the car. We grab our stuff from the boot of his car and walk into the house.

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