Chapter 4

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'This movie is actually so good' I think to myself. I turn and look over at Jake who is so into this movie. A find myself staring at him in daze. And then it hit me. I'm attracted to him. I tried to get the thought out of my head and remember that it's only been a day and he's here for his job. I'm sure he would rather be anywhere but stuck in a house with me. The more I thought about it the sadder I got. "I'm sorry you are stuck here with me" I said sadly to him. He paused the movie and quickly looked over at me on the other side of the 2 seater sofa. "Y/n what are you talking about. Yeh we are stuck in this house but I'm actually having a great time. I'm glad I was chosen to protect you. I think we get on well." He said smiling at me. My face expression switch completely. I found myself again staring at him smiling. He giggled like a school boy when he saw me smiling at him. I blushed and held my blanket over my face so he couldn't see my face. He leant over to my side of the sofa and tried to grab my blanket off me which resulted in both of us falling onto the floor in a fit of laughter.
As we fell on the floor I look over at Y/n. 'She's the most beautiful girl I've ever payed eyes on' I think to myself. 'Jake stop she's obviously not going to be thinking about you in that way, she's famous she's not going to be into a cop!' But no matter how much I tried I couldn't stop thinking about her. What it would be like to be with her. ' It's crazy' I  kept thinking to myself. It's only been a day!
We both stand up and Jake pulls the curtains as it was 6pm and getting darker outside. While he did that I filled up my glass with water and got jack a beer out the fridge. I walked back in and saw Jake sat in-front of the tv. Just looking at him makes me smile. I sat beside him he pressed play on the remote and sat back. About 25 minutes went by and I found myself getting more and more tired. I pulled the blanket over me a little more and tucked my feet up on the sofa. "Trying to get comfy" Jakes says watching me adjust on the sofa. "Yeh I wish they supplied us with comfier cushions" I laughed back to him. He just smiled and shook his head and continued watching Die Hard. I finally got myself in a good position and signed in relief I saw Jake quietly giggling at my attempts. "Oh shhh, you didn't exactly help me, did you!" I said hitting his shoulder. When I hit him my cushion my head was on moved. "Now look what you made me do!" I said to him. "Oh Y/n let me help you with that" he said as he grabbed the cushion and through it on the floor by the sofa. He lifted his arm and said "I think I'm comfier than the cushions here" smiling. Almost instantly I moved right next to him resting my head on his chest. He put his arm around me resting it on my waist. Rubbing his hands on my bear skin. I could hear his heart beating  nervously. "This is the safest I've ever felt in my life" I say reassuring him that I was happy and glad to be in his arms. I cuddled up to him and we watched the rest of the movie and then ended up watching the second movie as well.

After the second movie we cleared up the food from downstairs I walked into the kitchen with some empty plates. One of the windows still had there curtains open. I walked up to the curtain and shut it while doing it I thought I saw someone standing in-front the window. I jumped back and called Jake. He ran in "Y/n! What's happened are you ok?" He asked worried. "Yeh I thought I saw someone outside" I said breathing heavily I pointed to the window. He looked outside and saw a tree moving in the wind. He pointed towards it "Is that what you saw?" He asked me "yeh I think it was that. Sorry Jake" I said feeling like such an idiot. He hugged me "Don't be stupid! I'm glad you are being cautious!" He said. We pulled apart and walked upstairs after turning all the lights off. I walked into my room. As soon as I entered I felt lonely. I didn't feel safe anymore. I got into bed but I couldn't sleep. I kept opening my eyes thinking I would see someone standing there. I stood up and walked towards Jakes room. I could see his lamp on and he was reading a magazine "Hey are you ok y/n?" He said as he noticed me in his doorway. "Sorry I just couldn't sleep" I said walking in. "Do you want me to come and check for monsters" he said giggling I  laughed but secretly, yes I did.
I saw Y/ns face drop. She looked scared. I got out of my bed and walked into her room with her. I turned her lamp on and sat on her bed with her. We started talking, I can't believe how much we had in common. "So you've met Harrison Ford?" I asked her in complete envy. "Yes! I was invited to an awards show and I sat next to him, he's so lovely!" She replied excited!
We chatted for about 20 minutes. Jake kept asking about celebrities I had met before.
He looked at his watch and said " Are you feeling any better" while smiling at him. "Thanks Jake, yeh I am." He stood up to walk back into his room "wait!" I said quickly. He turned around with a confused look on his face. "Would it be ok if you stayed in here with me tonight, you don't have to it's just, you make me feel safe." I blurted out hoping I didn't embarrass myself. "Course I don't mind." He said smiling he walked back in and got into the other side of the bed. I turned to face him "Thank you" I said looking into his honey eyes. I kissed his cheek,  said " goodnight" and turned my lamp off. Jake kept his on and read his magazine.
I'm glad Y/n feels safe with me. I thought to myself. I looked over at her she looked so pretty. I started thinking about what everyone at the 99 would think if they knew I was sharing a bed with Y/n.  I smiled to myself.
I looked at Y/n again and saw her moving around a bit. I hope she's alright I thought to myself.
I felt safer knowing Jake was next to me. But I still couldn't sleep. I turned to face Jake again and saw he was still reading. I shuffled over to him and looked at what he was reading. It was magazine about video games. I didn't really understand it. "Are you okay y/n? Still can't sleep?" Jake said looking down at me. "Yeh I'm alright" I said looking up at him. He opened his arm up again and I smiled and led my head on his chest. That's better I thought to myself. I cuddled tightly to him and instantly I felt so much better. A few minutes later he turned his lamp off and put his magazine down. He shuffled down the bed a turned to face me with a smile on his face. He rubbed my shoulder gently with his fingers and I turned to face away from him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spooned me. I had Butterflies in my stomach. I haven't felt this way in a long time. I thought to myself.
He put his hand up my top slightly and rubbed my stomach and waist with his bare hand and kissed the back of my head. "Night Y/n" he said and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Jake Perolta x reader ❤️SAFEHOUSE❤️Where stories live. Discover now