Chapter nine

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I'm sat in the floor for in my bedroom in silence, crying my eyes out. Rosa was standing by the window. I can't believe Jake has been shot because of me. The gunshot noise ricocheted around my head. "Y/n we have to get you out of this house. It's still not safe here" Rosa said while still looking out the window. "How's Jake? Is he ok?" Is all I asked her. She signed taking her eyes off the window and looking at me "y/n, Jakes made of strong stuff he'll get through this. But right now we need to make sure we keep you safe. Jakes in the best place he can be!" I nod my head and slowly begin to stand up, I have Jakes blood all over my hand and clothes. I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands watching the blood go down the sink. I change my outfit

And walked over to Rosa

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And walked over to Rosa. "Let's get out of here" she says as we walk out the back of the house. We step into the police car that's outside the house and we drive to a new safe house. We walk inside, it's pretty much the same as the old one. This time there was a few police officers at the front and back of the house. Amy was sat at the kitchen table with a case file. I walk over and sit down opposite her "how's Jake?" I ask immediately she gives me a sympathetic side smile and said "he's was in theatre last time I spoke to Charles." She says softly to me. Rosa sits next to me "He'll be okay y/n, but right now we need to figure out what's going on with you and who is behind this." She says. Amy opens the file "so while you and Jake where in the safe house we tracked the IP address of some of the people sending the threats but they where dotted around, we brought a few into question but they are not letting in who is behind it. Here's a map of IP addresses of accounts used to send the threats." She said while handing me a map. "Quite a lot of the accounts where around Brighton and Hove way." I said while looking a the map. "Yeh we questioned a couple of people but they wouldn't let on." Rosa said.
Amy stood up and left the file on the table. "I've made another copy of the file, but I need to be getting back to the precinct. If you can think of anything let Rosa know. She's going to stay with you until we can figure this out." Amy said as she walked out. "Tell Jake I'm sorry" I shouted as she left. I picked up the file and walked upstairs into my room. Rosa walked up the stairs and sat on the bed opposite me "we have to solve this Rosa! I need to see Jake." I say to her. "Y/n you've had such a busy day already! You need to rest. As soon as we hear anything from Jake, I promise we will tell you!" Rosa says to me.
She lays me down and tells me to rest! I lay in bed with her stroking me hair,

Jake Perolta x reader ❤️SAFEHOUSE❤️Where stories live. Discover now