Chapter 10

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Rosa had heard from Amy that Jake was awake but still in hospital. The 99 say they are close to solving the case, which is good as it means I'm closer to be able to see Jake. Rosa had to get back to the precinct so I had a few officers with me keeping me safe. But I didn't feel safe at all. I haven't slept since I got here. I sat on my bed and decided to take one more look at the file. I spread it all on my bed and got a note book and pen out of the draw by my bed and started making notes. I looked at the screenshots of my Instagram page and photos as well as the likes. That's when it hit me. I had 10 million more follows than her, she has made it clear that she wants to copy me. What if she's trying to get rid of me altogether so that she could be more popular. I looked through my posts and saw a post I made when I Featured on Loose women. I remember when I was offered I wasn't sure if I was going to make it as my mum died, they said they had a back up influences to go on incase. But I made it on there and that show really boosted my career. Everything was falling in place I wrote down everything in my notebook and put it in rucksack. I then changed into black jeans, a black jacket and a beany. I then remember that in the old house they had a motorbike to use in an emergency so I got the key which was in the same place and I left a note on the table saying 'I figured it out' I then sneaked past some officers and jumped on the bike and headed straight for the hospital. Thankfully I overhead Rosa and Amy talk about Jake and I knew the room number and ward he was in. I arrived at the hospital and put my head down and walked straight to the room. I walked in a saw Jake sitting reading a magazine. "Y/n what are you doing here? You can't be here." He says whisper shouting I shut the door behind me and make sure his curtain is shut. "I had to see you Jake. I'm sorry. this is all my fault." I said not taking a breath. He pulled me on top of him giving me a hug from his uninjured side. "It's not your fault y/n. I know you shouldn't be here but I'm so happy to see you!" He says pulling away and kissing me. "I know who's trying to kill me." I blurt out to him. "Who" he answered quickly. I explained all about loose women and the photos on my instagram and then I said "remember in the car on the way to the first safehouse you saw a picture of me on Instagram and said it reminded you of that girl and I explained that she copied me a lot?" Jakes eyes opened even wider than before as everything started clicking into place. "Saffron Barker, lives in Brighton which is where most of the accounts IP addresses are from, was a stand in at loose women but never got to go on the show, has less followers than you and has stated that she has copied you." Jake said. "Yes" is all I said as I handed him the file. "I have to call the 99!" He said quickly. He called captain holt and within a few minutes they where all in the hospital room and Jake and I where explaining our theory. Rosa was mad that I left the safe-house but when we told her that we had cracked the case I think she was more relieved than anything.
Later that day Amy and Rosa went down to Brighton and questioned saffron who later admitted to everything. She is being held in solidarity confinement and appears no threat to me anymore which means I was officially safe to have my phone back and leave the safehouse. Jake was also discharged from hospital the same day which made the day so much better.
We made our way to the precinct to get our phones back which Terry took off us. As we turned them on we sat in the captains office. "Thank you for everything Captain." I said to him as I left him and Jake to talk. I started scrolling through all my notifications. I had tones from friends, management and some family members. I walked over to Rosa and asked if I should post a statement on my instagram about what had happened. Rosa said because it was all still going through the legal process she would advise me to not comment on what had happened. So instead I decided to post a little message on my instagram story saying 'haven't had my phone for a few weeks, I'm back and refreshed, sending lots of love' I uploaded it and instantly had a lot of messages saying how happy they where that I was back. As I smiled at my phone I saw Jake walk out of the office. "Hey, so I'm off work for a couple of weeks." Jake said readjusting his sling. "Oh sorry." I say. "Don't be, it means we get to spend some time together, right?" He says smiling "yeh that sounds great" I say smiling. I grab my bag from the break room and walk into the lift with Jake "you wanna come to my place?" I say to him. "Yeh that sounds great." He says smiling. We walk out of the precinct and into my car which was around the back of the precinct. "Woah Y/n. A Matt black BMW. You sure continue to surprise me." Jake says getting into the car. I just laugh and drive to my place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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