Chapter 7

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I woke up next to Jake. I'm getting to use to this I think to myself smiling looking over at Jake. It's been over 2 weeks and I still don't know if he likes me. We have been flirty together but nothings happened we haven't kissed or anything! The most we have done is cuddle. I lay looking up at the ceiling thinking about the past couple of weeks. I keep forgetting we are in a safehouse not allowed to do anything or go anywhere. Jakes really made my time here go so quickly, I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't out here with me. I look on my bedside table and see a stack of Polaroid pictures we had taken. There was pictures of me and Jake cuddled up together, me winning card games, Jake loosing card games, me loosing monopoly, Jake falling asleep on the sofa, me asleep on the sofa and a picture of me and Jake eating a ham and cheese toasty. I don't ever want to forget these. I think to myself. Part of me wishes we could just stay here forever. It was so calm and easy. The more I thought about the last couple of weeks, the more I realised that I needed to tell Jake how I really felt about him. I decided I was going to tell him today after we had eaten breakfast, I start to feel really nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same way. It's just going to make staying here so awkward. I look over and see Jake looking at me smiling. "Are you ok Y/N? You look like there's something on your mind?" He says.
Well I guess here goes then. I think to myself.
"These photos of us are so cute" I say to him try to divert the real reason I was nervous.
He takes the photos from me and starts flicking through them. "Yeh we should buy an album or something when we get out, they are so cute." He says which makes me smile and blush. I grab the duvet and pull it over half my face. He giggles at me and moves closer towards me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me even closer to him so that I was pretty much on top of him. I look down at him as our faces are so close. I put my hand in his hair and move it down to his cheek and lean in then suddenly moving to his ear and whisper "I'll go make breakfast" before jumping off him giggling to myself. As I walk out of the room I turn and look back at Jake who was groaning and put the duvet over his head. I smile to myself walking downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:30 way to early I thought to myself. I grab a tray from one of the cupboards and grab 2 bottles of water from the fridge. I then grab some fruit from the fridge and put it into a bowl and then grab 2 yogurts and 2 spoons and walk back upstairs to see Jake still in bed I sit on the side of the bed and hand Jake a bottle of water and put the tray on the bed. I rearrange my sitting position and face him with my legs crossed "I got fruit and yogurt" I say handing him a yogurt "ah so this is what insta famous people eat" he says taking the yogurt from me I roll my eyes and laugh before throwing a grape at him and he caught it in his mouth "Oh my God how did you do that?" I say while laughing. "Just a talent really" he says trying to sound super cool. I shake my head and continue eating my fruit and yogurt.
"I'm gonna go get in the shower" I say to Jake after I finish eating "ok cool cool" Jake says still eating while watching the news on the tv.
I grab my stuff for my shower and go into the bathroom. When I jumped in the shower i forgot myself and started singing a song which meant so much to me. It was called Always by
Francois Klark it was the song which they played at my mums funeral. I wash my hair and get out and get changed

I walked back into my bedroom while drying my hair with my towel

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I walked back into my bedroom while drying my hair with my towel. I look up at Jake who was staring at me I laugh "what" I say smiling "your voice is amazing" he says to me I stand in shock forgetting that he would have heard me singing. "You heard that huh?" I said quietly he jumped out of bed and came over and hugged me. He knew that song meant a lot to me and he knew I was thinking a lot about my mum recently. "Thanks Jake" I said still hugging him. He didn't say anything. He just hugged me more. "I'm going to make a coffee do you want one?" I say letting go of him. "Yeh I'll change and come down" he says. I walk downstairs and put the kettle on. While I'm preparing the 2 coffees I couldn't help but think about Jake. I know I need to tell him how I feel but I don't want to ruin what we have already. I'm snapped out of my thought when the kettle makes a popping noise to signal that it is ready. I put water in the mugs and sit in the kitchen and wait for Jake. A few minutes later he walks into the kitchen and grabs his coffee "thanks Y/n" he says I smile and walk into the living room with him and we sit next to each other on the sofa. We place our coffees on the table in-front of us as they where still to hot to drink. Jake opens his arms up for me me cuddle up to him. I grab the blanket and put it over us. I sigh as I rest my head on his chest. "What are you thinking about y/n?" Jake says to me. Immediately I feel my heartbeat quicker. "It's nothing" I say quickly. He pulls away from me and sits up so he's facing me "you know you can tell me anything don't you!" He says stroking my face with his hand. I hold is hand with both of mine and close my eyes at the feel of his touch on my face. "I don't want to ruin what we have" I pretty much whisper still with my eyes closed. "What do you mean?" Jake says moving closer. I take a big inhale and can't believe I'm about to say. "I like you Jake, Just us spending all this time together, sharing a bed, cuddling all the time. I've fallen hard. I get that you don't like me back. I just don't want to make it awkward with both of us  being here" I say in one whole breath. I look up at Jake who is smiling at me. "Wow!" Is all he manages to get out. " I,I shouldn't have said anything" I say turning about to get up. "Wait, don't I get to say something?" Jake says moving a strand of hair off my face. I nod not knowing what he's about to say. " I like you too Y/n, I just never had to guts to say it to you, I didn't want it to be awkward here." He says while smiling. I'm so relieved I smile back at him. I lean into him and wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me onto of his lap. I wrap my legs around his waist and hug him. A few minutes passed and I pulled back staring into Jakes eyes with a big smile on my face. He leans in and we share our first kiss.

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