Chapter eight

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*We share our first kiss*
We lay on the sofa cuddling, it's been the best day since we got here. I'm so glad Jake liked me back. I look up at him smiling as he concentrated on the movie we where watching. "Stop staring at me" he says not breaking focus from the tv. I laugh "how do you even know I'm staring?" I say shaking my head "I can feel the daggers" he says smiling kissing my forehead.
We spend pretty much the rest of the day in this position neither of us wanting to move.
Suddenly the phone rang. I jumped up from on top of Jake not knowing what to do. "I'll answer it, it might be the 99" Jake says I grab his hand as we walk towards the phone. "Hello" I hear Jake say. There was a moment of silence I look at Jake hoping it was the 99 calling but instead Jakes face dropped and I could feel him squeeze my hand tighter as he put the phone down. "We've got to get out of here." He says while leading me upstairs "what's going on?" I say worried "who was on the phone?" I pretty much shout at him. "I don't know y/n, all they said was 'I know y/n is there and I will kill her." He says going into his bag and getting a burner phone out. "What do we do Jake?" I say in a panic. "Get changed and put shoes on!" He says shouting. I do what he says putting jeans and a top with some trainers

 I do what he says putting jeans and a top with some trainers

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Jake walks back into the bedroom wearing his jeans and shirt. "I called the 99! They are on there way." He says walking up to me. I smiled slightly, I'm so scared. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise!" He says hugging me. I feel safer knowing he's looking out for me. "What do we do?" I ask him "we have to sit tight and wait for them to get here" he says looking out the window. I start packing all my stuff in my bag so it was easier to transport I put all the Polaroid pictures in the side pocket, I see the key to the bike downstairs which I forgot we had. I put it in my pocket just in case. Suddenly there was a bang at the door I look at Jake instantly as he moved to another window to see who was outside. "I can't see I'm going to have to go downstairs" he says grabbing his gun and walking downstairs. I follow but hide in the office area. I hear a smash of glass and shouting. Instantly I wanted to make sure Jake was ok so I look around to see what I could use to defend myself with. I see a snooker cue which I grab. I open the door slightly and see Jake being held at gunpoint I walk behind the guy and smack him over the head with the cue and he falls on the floor. "That was literally the hottest thing I've ever seen" Jake says while we move the guys body into the office. I shake my head "how many guys are there?" I ask him "2 more he says whispering "ones in the kitchen and the other is upstairs" he says he then mimes that he will go upstairs. I stay in the office for a little while hiding behind the door waiting for the guys to come in. I few minutes passed and the guy came in and I did the exact same thing with the snooker cue. As I did I watched Rosa run into the room I run and hug her. I'm so relieved to see her! "Jakes upstairs" I say sobbing. Suddenly there was a gunshot. I run so fast upstairs worried about what I was going to see. Rosa was ahead of me she tackled the last guy and handcuffed him I run into my bedroom and see Jake on the floor holding his shoulder. I fall to his side grabbing his hand. "Call an ambulance" I scream " Jake I'm here, your going to be okay! I promise." I say while crying. He says nothing " I can't feel a pulse" terry says next to me. "Jake" I shout "please wake up" I say as terry drags me away to let the ambulance team try resuscitate him.

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