Chapter 3 (safehouse day 1)

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We walked into the safe house, it was a lot smaller than I thought and everything was plain. The walls where white with a light grey skirting and they where bare with about 5 picture frames hung up in the entire house. I did a quick scan of the entire house to make sure it was clear and safe for Y/n. It didn't take long as there was only 2 bedrooms upstairs, a small room, a main big room and a bathroom. Downstairs was the kitchen,living room, another bathroom and another room which looking a little bit like a office. I walked into the kitchen and opened up the cupboards to see what was already there for us, Meanwhile Y/n was upstairs unpacking, I told her to have the big room as she has more stuff than I did. It was still daylight so we had to be careful. Thank fully we had think white curtains on all the windows which allowed light into the house but it meant people couldn't see far into the house, but we still had to be careful. All the furniture was angled away from all the windows. I sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the paper that terry gave me.

I then walked upstairs to show Y/n who was putting clothes into the wardrobe

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I then walked upstairs to show Y/n who was putting clothes into the wardrobe. I quietly knocked on the bedroom door and she turned smiling "I just wanted to show you the rules that Terry gave to us" I said handing her the paper. She read it through and I could see her smile start to drop I think it just hit her at how serious and real it was. She sat on her bed and sighed. I felt so bad for her she looked so sad. I walked over and sat beside her. I didn't want to overstep so i left a gap between us.
It finally hit me. Im stuck I feel so trapped. I can't call my mum, I can't call my friends, I can't text anyone. Why would someone want to hurt me. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Jake came and sat beside me. He made me feel safe. I trust him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He said softly to me. I nodded "I just don't understand why anyone would want to hurt me" I said trying not to cry.
"Y/n it's ok to be scared" Jake told me "Rosa and Amy will figure this out In no time, and until then I promise I won't let anything happen to you!" He then said after. I blushed slightly. I believed him. "Thank you" I said smiling. I moved closer and hugged him I then pulled away "sorry I...." I started saying "Y/n, you don't have to apologise for hugging me" Jake laughed. I laughed I felt so relaxed around him already. 'Maybe this will not be as bad after all.' I thought to myself.
Jake stood up and said "it's 2pm! I'm hungry what do you fancy to eat! Cupboards are full downstairs. You wanna come take a look?" He reached his hand out. my face lit up and I quickly took his hand and we both walked down into the kitchen. I jumped up on the counter and he started listing things we could eat "Ok so, we can have, Sandwich, chips, fish fingers, burgers, this machine thing which I have no idea what it's for" he said pointing to a toasty machine

 I jumped up on the counter and he started listing things we could eat "Ok so, we can have, Sandwich, chips, fish fingers, burgers, this machine thing which I have no idea what it's for" he said pointing to a toasty machine

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"You've never had a toasty before?" I said to him "no" he said pretending to be scared. "You like ham and cheese right?" I asked him. "Yeh!" He replied I jumped down and jokingly pushed him out the way. "Lunch is on me then" I laughed. I made us both a ham and cheese toasty and cut up some salad and put it next to the toasty on the plate. I walked into the living room and handed Jake a plate " Bon appetite!" I said while handing it to him. "I'm excited to try a Y/n sandwich" he mocked me.
"It's a toasty actually" I mocked back laughing. I stuck my tongue out at him and he threw a piece of cucumber at me. I pretended that it hurt but he saw straight threw me, I knew my only option was to throw it back, when I did, I hit him right on his nose. He then tried to act like it hurt but I knew he was faking it "Eat your toasty before it gets cold" I say to him. He takes a bite and immediately looks at me "omg! How have I never had one of these before! This is amazing!" He says with a mouth full. I stood up and take a bow "you are welcome" I say joking. We ate the rest of our lunch chatting away. 'Wow I've never felt this connected to someone that I've just met' I thought to myself.
"So how long have you been 'Instagram famous'" Jake asked me. I laughed at his term 'Instagram famous' "I hate that term, I don't see myself as that, I just upload picture that I like and I just think myself lucky about the number of likes I get. I never wanted to be 'famous' actually when I was younger I wanted to be a police officer and solve crimes." I said to him. "Wow, I don't want to sound rude but, I was wrong about you, i feel bad but I thought you where going to different. But instead you just seem like a normal person" Jake said hoping he hadn't offended me. I laughed "I'm sorry I'm not a brat" I said in between my laughs. He began laughing too, glad that he didn't offend me. "How long have you been a cop?" I asked him intrigued. "I've wanted to be a detective for as long as I can remember. I loved watching all the Die hard movies and anything that had cops or detectives in I would enjoy, But I've been at the 99 for 7 years. I love it there." He replied. "I've heard Die hard is good but I've never watched one." I said back to him
Suddenly his face changed and he stood up walking to one of the boxes that he brought to the house. He pulled out a movie. "We have to watch it" he said I looked closely and saw it was the first die hard movie. I was a excited to watch it. "Yes!" I said taking his plate and putting it into the kitchen while he Jake set up die hard. I walked back in and sat on the same sofa he was on. "Wait! Can I put my pjs on first?"I said asking for permission to quickly go and change. "That's a good idea actually" Jake says pausing the movie. We both run upstairs into ours rooms.

I walked downstairs wearing this^ and brought a grey blanket with me

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I walked downstairs wearing this^ and brought a grey blanket with me. I saw Jake on the sofa already waiting. "Cute outfit" he said to me. I did a little turn and said " thank you" giving him a wink. I then sat next to him. "I brought a few snacks in and I got you a lemonade." Jake said to me gesturing to the food and drink on the table in front of us. "Thank you" I said to him 'ugh he's actually adorable.' I thought to myself blushing. "ready?" He said holding the tv controller "let's watch" I said and he pressed play.

Jake Perolta x reader ❤️SAFEHOUSE❤️Where stories live. Discover now