Chapter 6

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After many, many episodes of friends we decided to play a few a card game! "When I was little my grandma and grandad taught me how to play a game called 7s up the middle. You basically get all the 7s out of the deck and line them in a row. Shuffle the cards and deal them out evenly between each of us. Then we take it in turns to put a card down" I said to Jake as he tried really hard to understand what I was saying. We divided the cards out between us, and I told him how to play. "So to start with you can put either an 8 or a 6 of each set down and the you can work each set and whoever runs out of cards first, wins." I said. We played the first game and I won. I think he was slowly getting the idea of it. We played a few games and I beat Jake 5-2 but he demanded for a rematch at some point.
We led on the sofa cuddled up neither of us speaking just enjoying each others company. We where there for about 25 minutes. It wasn't awkward it was just perfect.
I sat up and saw that Jake was slowly falling asleep. He looked so cute, his feet where up on the table, and he was slouched over to one side. I didn't want to wake him but I worried if he stayed like that for much longer he would have had a stiff neck.
I slowly shake him "no,no" he says pulling me back on his chest and turning over. "I'm so cosy right now, I'm not moving!"
I giggle and give in grabbing the blanket from the floor and laying it over us. Jake then opens his eyes and reaches down next to the sofa. Grabbing a small bag. "What are you doing" I say moving the blanket so it was covering half my face. He doesn't respond straight away. He just gets his Polaroid camera out. He then lays back in the same position he was before, very closely cuddled up with me. I smile glad that he was back next to me, then all of a sudden there was a flash. I opened my eyes to see Jake smiling at a picture "did you just take a picture of us?" I ask while laughing "yep and we look cute af!" he response with a laugh. He put it on the table to let it fully develop and then layed down again. " you promise your not going to take any more photos of me?" I whisper as we are so close. "I'm just going to enjoy the moment now" he says whispering back in a husky voice.

Jake Perolta x reader ❤️SAFEHOUSE❤️Where stories live. Discover now