Chapter Four

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"Hello? Wynter is that you?" my dad says eagerly. Hearing his voice nearly makes me cry.

"We have something you want, and you have something we want" scar faced man says.

"What? Who is this? Where's Wynter and Ari?" dad says frantically.

"Drop of a duffle bag with 2 million dollars in it at the corner of Lincoln and Main tomorrow night at 11:00 P.M. in Edgewood Kentucky. If you want to see your girls alive, don't bring the police" the scar faced man replies rudely. At first, I was confused as to why they didn't want the trade to happen until tomorrow night, but now I realize it's because we are so far away from our home in Washington DC.

"Let me make sure my girls are alright" my dad says. The scar faced man walks towards us and goes up to Ari. The man holding her mouth shut moves out of the way and the scar faced man moves to put the phone up towards Ari, even though it's on speaker phone.

"Hello? Dad?"

"Ari? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay and so is Wynter. I love you" Ari says before the man covers her mouth again.

"I love you too" dad replies.

"Meet us there with no police and 2 million dollars if you want your daughters back" the scar faced man says before hanging up.

"You better hope your dad brings the money" the man says as he uncovers my mouth and walks towards the door with the other men. They lock the cage and walk out the door, leaving us alone.

"We definitely need to escape tonight" I say, and Ari agrees. I don't tell Ari, but if we don't successfully escape, then it won't even be worth it.

"Are you OK?" I ask Ari.

"As well as can be expected" Ari replies.

"We need to sleep if we want to escape tonight, because it's going to be a long night" I tell Ari.

She leans against me and within five minutes she's asleep, and I follow soon after.

Ari shakes me awake quickly and I see scar faced man coming into the cage. He brings the tray for supper and says nothing as he walks out locking the doors. The food this time is different than what we've been getting. This time they gave us each a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We both eat quickly and drink the water bottle together. I give Ari half of my sandwich because she'll need the energy for tonight.

We start talking about random things as we wait for the time to pass. Soon, Ari starts itching her neck and arms where rashes were appearing.

"Um... are you OK?" I ask Ari concerned.

"No, I think there was soy in the peanut butter" Ari says starting to freak out.

"It's OK, is your epi pen still in your pocket?" I ask. She shrugs so I check the pocket in her dirty sundress and don't see it in her pocket.

"I don't see it; the men must have taken it with our phones. I'm going to need to call them for help" I say to Ari preparing her. She nods her head and I yell for help. "Help! We need help!" I yell hoping my kidnappers would hear me. Ari keeps itching herself and I get really nervous. In about a minute scar face comes in looking angry.

"Help! She's having an allergic reaction and she needs her epi pen that you took" I say quickly as Ari is itching like crazy and she's starting to make her skin raw and bleed.

When he hears me and sees Ari, he quickly exits the room and returns minutes later with her epi pen. He opens the door and the cage. He proceeds to walk over to her. "How do you use this?" he asks while looking at the epi pen.

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