Chapter Eleven

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"Help me!" I hear a voice yell. I look around but only see black.

"Hello?" I yell. I am answered with silence and when I try to get up, I realize I can't move. I look around and finally see something in the distance. As it comes closer, I realize it's my mom with somebody else. "Mom!" I yell as she looks at me.

"Help me!" I hear my mom yell again. I see her come closer and realize the man with her is the man that kidnapped her three years ago. I try to walk closer, but I am still stuck in the same spot. The man still has my mom tied up with her hands behind her back. As my mom yells a few more times, the man gets angrier each time. What really gets me mad is that the police never even found out the name of the man who kidnapped my mom. The man puts tape on my mom's mouth to stop her from yelling. I once again try moving and can't, which makes me feel helpless. I got the same feeling when my mom was first kidnapped, and I couldn't do anything. The man walks about 20 feet to my left and pushes my mom to the black ground.

"Stop!" I yell at the man. But it seems that they can't hear me. The man pulls something out of his pants, and I can immediately see that it's a gun.

"Stop! Please!" I yell, but they don't acknowledge me. "Stop!" I proceed to yell over and over again, but still no response. The man raises the gun and aims it at my mom's head. "No!" I yell as I see the man pull the trigger, but before I see my mom get shot, I am awakened from the nightmare.

I shoot up in my bed and look around the room. I look at the alarm clock and see that the time is 11:55 at night. I don't know why all of a sudden, I am getting nightmares about my mom. It probably has to do with me getting kidnapped, but why my mom? Once I wipe the tears from my face, I slowly get up from the bed and go into the shared bathroom. I splash water onto my face until I get cooled down. I pat the sweat and water off of my face with a towel and then go back to the bed. looking on the bright side, at least I didn't fall off the bed. I lay back on the bed and try to just relax, telling myself that it's just a dream. I try to force myself to go back to sleep, but every little noise I hear scares me. I decided to stay up for a little bit, until I get tired again. I get off the bed and go to the desk where my phone is. I use my phone as a flashlight and start my exhibition out of the room. I decide to start by going to the kitchen and getting something to drink. I start going down the stairs being careful not to wake anybody up. I am pretty sure that all of the bedrooms are on the second floor, so once I reach the first floor I don't try to be as quiet. I go through the living room and make my way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, I turn on the light and set my phone on the counter. I immediately go to the fridge and open the door, looking for food. There are actually a lot of different kinds of food, which kind of surprised me. I finally decide on a piece of chocolate cake I found. I close the fridge while carrying the cake and turn around but stop in my tracks when I see someone walking in the doorway. I am about to scream but realize that it's only Luke.

"Geez you scared me," I say as I set the container full of cake on the counter.

"What are you doing up?" Luke asks, while opening a drawer.

I just shrug, "What are you doing up?"

"I was playing video games with Jason and Justin, but I came in here to get a water bottle," Luke says as he gets a fork out of the drawer and hands it to me.

"Thanks, I can eat some cake, right?" I ask as I take the fork from Luke.

"Knock yourself out, I made it," Luke says.

"Thanks, and do you mean that all three of you are still awake?" I ask shocked.

"Yes, sometimes we stay up late," Luke responds. "You can join us if you want, we're playing in the game room." I don't plan on going to bed anytime soon, so I might as well try to become friends with the boys. I have only met them once and know very little about them.

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