Chapter Twenty-Four

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. I continue watching my laptop when I hear a noise in the house. Glass shattering to be more specific. I chuckle, thinking how one of the boys probably made a mess. I get off my bed and make my way to the stairs, going to see who was awake at this time. I go down two steps when I hear a voice.

"Get the girls and be careful not to wake anyone else up."

Hearing that, I immediately turn on my heels and go as fast as I can to Cade's room.

"Cade! Cade walk up!" I whisper yell as I speed walk into his room. Almost immediately he shoots up in his bed.

"There's people in the house," I tell him, freaking out.

He quickly jumps out of bed and reaches for something under his nightstand.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he is now grabbing something from the nightstand drawer.

"Triggering a silent alarm to each of the guys' rooms. Follow me," I says, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the door we were supposed to meet at in case of emergencies. I realize he grabbed a key from the nightstand, seeing as he's now putting it into the lock. It's attached to a necklace, no wonder I didn't find a key when I was searching last time, it was on his neck and in the bathroom.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Cade pushes me into the room. I look around and see shelves full of different weapons, if it were any other circumstance, I'd be freaked out, but honestly right now I couldn't be happier.

"Stay here no matter what," he says, pushing me into the corner of the room. "And don't open the door, for anyone."

"What if it's one of the boys or Ari?"

"They'll have their own key, and Ryder is supposed to get Ari in case of an emergency, they should be here anytime."

Cade grabs a few weapons of the shelves, and before I can say another word, he's leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. I'm practically curled up in a ball right now, waiting for the boys to come get me. Less than a minute passes when I hear gunshots ring out through the house, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. By now, I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I wait for the 'all clear'. The doorknob starts to twist and I'm having trouble breathing with the stress.

The door opens and I clench my eyes shut, scared to see who it is.

"Wynter," I hear a voice say and I instantly recognize it as Ryder. I look up, as I hear more gunshots, and see Ryder carrying Ari, who is wrapped in a blanket.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask, noticing that she's not awake.

"It's just because she's sick, she needs to sleep it off," Ryder responds, sitting down next to me, still holding Ari.

"Are you staying? Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes and yes. It's protocol to have someone stay with the client when something like this happens. Ari will be fine; she'll probably wake up once this is over anyway."

I nod my head, barely processing what he's saying, to busy freaking out at all the gunshots, "It's a good things she's not awake I guess, she'd have a massive panic attack."

After two minutes of silence and gunshots, the door opens for another time. Ryder quickly pulls a gun from his waistband and points it towards the door.

"Jesus, put it down," Cade whispers, shutting the door behind him.

"What's going on?" Ryder asks.

"There's too many of them for us to keep the girls here, we need to leave while the guys hold them off," Cade answers, grabbing two black duffle bags from the corner of the room.

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