Chapter Twelve

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I slowly open my eyes and am met with the sun shining in through the window. I look at the time on the alarm clock and see that it's 9:30. I'm exhausted from my lack of sleep last night. I slowly get out of the bed and go back to my empty room. My first stop is the closet, where I pick out my clothes for the day. My outfit consists of a plain white cropped tank top with a pair of black leggings. I pick the clothes up and carry them in my hand to Cade's room, since I need his help with my boot. Apparently, I am blind because Cade isn't in his room. When I think about it, I realize he wasn't when I woke up either. My next option is having Ari help me, so I head towards her room. Once I open the door, I see Ari still asleep on the bed, which means she can't help me. I don't want to wake her up, so I head towards the stairs to find Cade. I take my time going down the stairs, so I don't fall. At the bottom of the stairs, I see Luke and James on their phones in the living room.

"Where is Cade?" I ask as I sit on the couch next to Luke.

"Working out I think, why?" Luke says while looking up from his phone.

"I need help with my boot," I respond.

"is there something I can do to help?" Luke asks.

"I guess it doesn't matter who does it," I reply. "can you just help me undo the Velcro?"

"Sure, just put your leg on the couch right here," Luke says as he points to the spot in between us on the couch. I listen to Luke as he helps me take off the boot. With my boot off, that only leaves one problem. How am I going to change now? Do I hop to wherever the bathroom is?

"Where is the nearest bathroom?" I ask Luke.

"Oh, there is one connected to the game room. Here, let me help you," Luke says standing up. He comes over to me and lets me use him to balance myself. Once I reach the bathroom, he leaves me to do my business. I change out of Cade's top and into my lounge clothes for the day. After I'm finished, I hop out of the bathroom to where Luke is waiting for me. Once we reach the couch, he helps me put the boot back on my ankle.

"You in the mood for breakfast?" Luke asks while walking into the kitchen.

"Eh, not really. I ate a lot of cake last night. Can you take me to Cade please?"

"Sure, let's go" he says as he grabs a banana and leads the way towards the gym. After climbing the stairs with little struggle, we reached the third floor. I didn't even know there was a third floor, but there was only a gym up here. Needless to say, I won't be spending a lot of time up here if I have anything to say about it. Once I fully walk into the room, I thank Luke as he exits back down the stairs. The room consists of several different workout equipment with a huge boxing ring in the middle. I walk to the other side of the room to where I see Cade running on a treadmill. He must have been running for a while because he was completely drenched in sweat. Once he sees me, he stops running and gets off the machine.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask cade while he wipes the sweat from his face with a towel.

"Well first you need to do your school for the day, then we can discuss plans" he says as he walks towards a punching bag.

"Ok whatever" I say rolling my eyes as I make my way back towards the stairs. It was literally a complete waste to walk up those two flights of stairs, especially with my boot on.

"That was the one thing your dad wanted you to do while you are here" Cade answers before turning back towards the punching bag.

"yeah whatever" I mumble as I head back down the stairs. I make my way back into my room and grab my phone and laptop off of the desk and make my way into Ari's room where I find her sleeping. I walk over to her bed so I can wake her up, since we both have schoolwork to do and we normally would have started by now. After shaking her a few times her eyes flutter open and she smiles at me.

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