Chapter Seven

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"What do you want to eat?" Cade asks as he shakes me awake.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you want to eat from Taco Bell?" he asks getting impatient.

I look out the window and see we are at the drive thru at Taco Bell. "Oh, I'll have a crunch wrap supreme and a Baja Blast freeze," I answer quickly. Cade orders both of our foods while he pulls up to the window to pay. After we get our food, I quickly eat my food since it's almost noon.

"How long did I sleep?" I ask.

"About 6 hours" he states. I must have been way more tired than I thought. I drink my freeze in silence for a few minutes before I get bored.

"How are you not tired?" I ask Cade.

"I was sleeping before we came to get you" he states.

I pick up Cade's phone from where it was charging, and I unlock it to play games. I look at Cade and he's just focused on driving.

"It's okay if I play your phone, right?" I ask Cade.

"Whatever" he replies. I go back to playing the games while Cade eats and drives.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I state while looking at Cade.

"Are you serious?" he responses. "Why didn't you tell me at Taco Bell."

"I didn't have to go at Taco Bell" I say looking out the window.

"How long can you wait?" Cade questions. "We're only about two hours away." Oh heck no. There's no way I'm going to make it two hours.

"No" I say looking back at him.

"Seriously" he says rolling his eyes. I just nod my head and he looks frustrated.

"Fine, I'll stop at the next gas station" he replies. I thank him and continue to play his phone for a few minutes before my ankle starts to hurt. I don't say anything though because Cade already seems mad at me. The pain also isn't too terrible, so I just continue to play his phone. After about five minutes my leg really hurts, So I decide to say something.

"Do you have my pain medicine?" I ask.

"Yes, take two" he says as he pulls a pill container out of his pocket. I take the container and quickly pull two pills out. Before I can take the pills, I realize that I have no drink to take the pills with.

"Do you have anything I can take the pills with?" I ask Cade.

"Only that" he says pointing to his Taco Bell drink.

"Can I have some?" I ask, realizing it's my only option.

"Whatever" he says handing it to me. In the short time I've known him, I've come to realize that Cade uses the word 'whatever' a lot. I quickly take the drink and swallow the pills to help relieve the pain.

"Are we close to a gas station?" I ask as I hand back the pills.

"Yes, I saw a sign back there," Cade answers. Thank goodness we're close, I don't know how much longer I can wait. I don't want to play his phone anymore, so I decide to have an actual conversation with Cade.

"So, how old are you?" I ask Cade.

"22" he says.

"Cool, I'm nineteen. When's your birthday?"

"February 20th"

"Mine's April 15th. How many siblings do you have? I have one, Ari."

"5, four brothers and a sister. And isn't Ari your friend?"

"I mean technically, but we've lived together for over eight years. What are your sibling's names?" I question.

"Cali is 4, Ryder is 18, Jason is 20, Luke is 20, and Carter is 12. Ryder is the one with Ari, they should be at the base by now"

"Are Jason and Luke twins?" I ask.

"Yes" Cade says.

"We're here" he says as he pulls into the gas station. He gets my crutches and brings them to my door. Cade grabs my arm and pulls me out of the car. I get my crutches and go to the entrance of the store with Cade. He opens the door for me, and I head straight to the back where the bathrooms are. Cade knocks on the door for me since I don't have a free hand and when nobody answers, he opens the door for me and quickly closes it once I'm inside. I go in and go straight towards the sink to lean my crutches against it. I use my good foot to hop towards the toilet and grab onto it before I fall. I quickly go to the bathroom and use my crutches to go towards the door. I set one of the crutches against the wall and use my now free hand to open the door slightly. Cade sees me and opens the door the rest of the way as I get me crutch and walk out the door.

"Are you OK?" Cade asks me. I nod my head and follow him out of the gas station to his car. We get in and Cade drives away almost immediately. I look at the time and see that it is 12:20, which means we should get to the base at about 2:00.

"Can I turn on the radio?" I ask. Cade just nods his head, so I proceed to click the button and immediately Christmas music starts playing. I have always loved Christmas time and everything about it. Without my mom the past few years, my father hasn't wanted to celebrate Christmas. Ari and I always put out the decorations and give each other presents along with all the employees. I am brought back to reality as Cade turns the station to pop music.

"What are you doing?" I ask, flabbergasted as to why he switched the music.

"I hate Christmas music" he states simply.

"But Christmas is only a week away" I look at him as if he is crazy. I turn the radio back and this time Cade leaves it. I silently hum along to the songs as I look out the window. After about one-hour Cade turns off the radio.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"We're here" he says.

"I thought we were still about half an hour away" I say.

"What can I say, I drive fast" he answers as we pull into a long drive.

"Where's the house?" I question.

"Down this lane, the house is hidden deep in the woods" Cade says. Since I was looking out the window, I knew we had been out in the country where there were barely any houses or stores for the last 30minutes or so. After about another minute of driving we come to a gate where cade clicks a button in his car that looked like a garage door opener and the gate opened. As we keep driving, I start to see a house come into view. It wasn't a house like you would regularly see, but it wasn't so big that it didn't fit in the woods. It was bigger than my house in Washington DC and my dad's a politician if that says anything, although my dad is pretty modest about his money. As Cade parks his car in the driveway, I wait for Cade to bring the crutches to me so I can get out and get a better look at the house. The house is a dark black that blends in with the woods. There is a porch that gives it a farmhouse vibe, but the house looks a lot like a large log cabin. I follow Cade towards the porch as I slowly go up the two stairs that lead to the front door with little struggle. I walk behind him, and he lifts a panel that looked to be part of the house but has hidden a handprint pad to unlock the door. 

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