Chapter Twenty-Five

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I wake up to Cade shaking me, "We're at the safe house." I look around and see we're in the driveway of a small cabin. We're surrounded by trees in all directions, reminding me of the house we just left.

"The organization sure likes being secluded," I joke.

"We have to be, for privacy and protection," Ryder answers, picking Ari up from the car and taking her into the house. I follow behind the boys and enter behind them.

Realizing what I just saw I asked, "Was that door unlocked?"

"Yes, the key is kept in here," Cade says, picking up a key from under a rug in the small living room. "Nobody knows about this place, and were so deep into the woods, all safe houses are that way. So, if somebody in the organization ever needs a safe house, they can just go." I nod my head at the logic, while Cade uses the key to lock the front door. I follow Cade to the kitchen as Ryder sets Ari on the couch, before joining us.

"This place seems cozy," I state, getting a good look around the small place.

"Yeah, I've never actually been here," Cade tells me.

"What?" I question. "How did you know where the key was, or even the house?"

"All keys are hidden under living room rugs, and when you first join the organization, you need to memorize all safe house locations. Luckily, this one was close by, so I didn't need directions," Cade answers, reminding me how we have no phones.

"Speaking of, when will I get to change out of these clothes and get a new phone? I want to call my dad," I state, not trying to sound annoying.

"We have a land line, once I check in with the boys, you can call your dad," Cade responds, walking to the other side of the kitchen, where a phone is hanging on the wall.

"Won't the men just track the phone that calls the boys?" I ask.

"Normally yes, but we have a secure landline in the house that the police definitely don't know about." Cade picks up the phone and dials a number, putting the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, it's Cade... we're fine... at the safe house... what?... what?" Cade's face immediately drops and his whole-body tenses. "And you're sure?" Cade asks before he slams the phone back on the hook.

"Is everything okay?" I ask quietly.

Cade ignores me and grabs my hand, before dragging me into the living room.

"We need to talk," Cade says to Ryder, while I sit on the couch by Ari's feet.

"What's up?" Ryder asks, standing beside the couch.

"It's James," Cade starts making my heart drop. "He was shot."

"Is he okay?" I frantically ask.

"They took him to a hospital, but it doesn't look good. He's in surgery now."

"Wow!" Cade says, speechless.

"When will we know if he's okay?" I ask.

"They should call within the next hour."

"Okay, so there's still a chance," I respond positively.

"Wynter, don't get your hopes up, prepare yourself. They said the odds of him surviving are less than 10%."

"But... but he can't die. It's all my fault, it was me they were after, not him," I stand up, not being able to stomach the idea of him dying because of me.

"Stop it, it's not your fault," Cade says, grabbing my arm to stop me from pacing the small living room. "He knew the risks when he joined the organization."

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