Chapter Five

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    "Um..." Ari says confused and looking scared.

"Oh, my bad" the man says. "Your dad sent us to get you guys" the man continues. Ari sighs in relief and gets up.

"It's really your dad sending them, right?" Ari asks.

"I'd assume so, it doesn't seem like our kidnappers had this much help" I state. A guy who looks to be in his early twenties gets out of the second vehicle. While a boy who looks to be my age gets out of the third vehicle. The older man comes up to me while the other boy walks with Ari back to his car.

"Are you ready to go?" the man asks in a deep voice.

"I can't exactly walk" I say shivering from the cold and looking at my ankle. The man just bends down and grabs me in his arms. He continues to carry me to his car and sets me in the passenger seat. I look around his car expecting to see multiple people in it since they brought so many cars. But I am the only one in the car with the other man.

"Who are you?" I ask slightly concerned while shaking from the cold.

"Cade, I work for the same agency as Tyler and Jace" Cade says as he takes of his hoodie giving it to me and leaving him in a plain black tee, which is funny because his hoodie and joggers are also black.

"Thank you" I say, realizing I should change out of my now dirty tank top from spending time in the woods. "I need to change out of my tank top" I tell Cade. He understands and steps back out of the car while I change quickly. Thankful to be out of the dirty tank top and into a warm sweatshirt, I put my window down and tell Cade I'm done changing. I set the tank top on the floor by my feet as Cade gets back into the car and quickly starts driving.

"Where are Jace and Tyler?" I ask.

"At your house with your father" Cade states simply.

"Can I talk to my dad?" I ask quietly. Cade pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. I open the phone app and call my dad.

"Dad?" I ask as the dialing stops.

"Wynter, are you with Cade?" my dad asks.

"Yes, are you OK? I know Tyler and Jace are with you." I say to my dad.

"I'm fine, they are just with me as protection, like Cade. He'll keep you safe. I've known his family for a while now," my dad says making me feel better.

"Have you talked to Ari since she got in the car?" I ask.

"Yes, and she seems OK, just a little cold. How are you? He questions.

"Ok I guess, I was pretty cold, but I feel better now. The only thing is that I injured my ankle while jumping out of the window at that house, I should be fine though" I say, trying to sound casual about it so I don't worry him. "I can't wait to come home and see you" I say to my dad changing the subject. Cade looks at me before continuing to drive.

"Honey, about that" my dad says sounding nervous.

"What?" I question.

"You can't come home until we know it's safe for you here."

"What are you even talking about? we're heading home now," I say.

"Wynter, right now you're going to the base where some of the agents stay. Cade and the other three other people who picked you up, work for that agency. There have been many threats and it's too dangerous. We were lucky that the people who kidnapped you weren't smart and just wanted money" my dad replies.

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