Chapter Six

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    "Here" I say as I give the phone back to Cade. Now that I feel better about Ari, I'm relaxed enough to sleep. I fall asleep but wake up about 10 minutes later. This happens multiple times before I give up going to sleep.

"Can I play your phone?" I ask out of nowhere.

"Geez I thought you went to sleep" he questions me.

"My leg hurts too much" I state.

"Fine" he says as he gives me his phone. When I unlock it, I see there aren't any games, so I take it upon myself to download a few games. They load very quickly and soon I start playing them. I look at the time on his phone and see that it's 4:15. I play games until about 5:30 when his phone died.

"Your phone died. And I'm bored" I state.

"We're almost there. About ten minutes away" Cade says.

"Where exactly is that?" I ask.

"One of the hospitals our organization has. They'll take care of your ankle" he replies. I nod my head and sit up with minimum noises of pain.

"Can I put my ankle up there?" I ask as I point to the console between the front seats where Cade is resting his right arm.

"Knock yourself out" he says as he moves his arm off of it. I gently lift my leg at the knee with my hands as I set my leg on the console. I lean back against the seat as my ankle feels better with my leg stretched out. After just slouching on the seats for about five minutes as I watch the sun rise Cade announced we were arriving in a minute. I take my time and slowly lower my leg back onto the ground as we pull into the driveway of a huge house.

"This is the hospital?" I ask confused.

"For the organization, yes" Cade replies. That makes since I guess, for some reason I expected a regular hospital building. He parks the car and opens the driver side back door for me. Before I even get a chance to move, he already has me out of the car and in his arms. He quickly walks the short way to the front door and walks in the house without knocking. I know his parents own the organization, but I would assume he still had manners. He carries me to the living room, which is bigger than the one in my house. He sets me on the couch and mentions something about getting the main doctor in charge as he walks away. I just laid on the couch waiting for Cade to come back as I thought about things such as where I am. As I sit there thinking, Cade comes back with a man in his late fifties.

"My name's Dr. Malin. It's nice to meet you Wynter" the man says as he comes up to the couch I was laying on.

"Nice to meet you" I say with a slight smile.

"I am going to check your ankle out and see if it's sprained or broken" the man replies.

"Ok, but I don't think I sprained it. I can't even put any wait on it" I answer while slightly sitting up.

"Well that's what we're here to figure out" Dr. Malin says as he helps me sit up completely while leaning against the armrest. With both legs on the couch, he immediately goes for my right leg, which is the injured one. He takes my tennis shoe off and starts talking to me again.

"Tell me when you feel pain" Dr. Malin says as he moves my foot slightly. Not used to feeling the pain, since I've been so careful recently, I all but screamed out in pain as tears streaked down my face. Dr. Malin quickly releases his hand from my ankle and apologizes.

"I sure feel the pain right there" I say while quickly wiping the tears of my face.

"Okay, I think you need to get X-rays done" Dr. Malin says more to Cade than myself. "I can do them here and it should only take about 15 minutes" Dr. Malin finishes.

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