Chapter Eight

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It opens and I follow him inside where I am immediately met with the living room. The inside of the house looks a lot like the outside. It gives off cabin vibes with all the staged décor.

"Let me take you to your room and then I'll introduce you to everyone" Cade says as he leads me to a set of stairs. He easily picks me up and carries me up the stairs. When we reach the top, he sets me down and helps me balance while I get my crutches situated. I wonder how many people live here. The house looks like it could fit about ten people comfortably. We walk down a long hall and stop at the second to last door on the right side of the hallway.

"This is your room" Cade says as he opens the door and reveals a big room with a king size bed and a desk. I walk in and get a closer look at everything. I see something on the desk and notice that it's a laptop and phone.

"I had one of my brothers buy you these things so you can finish your school and not get bored here in the house. You can go shopping to get more clothes later" Cade says with a blank expression like always. I nod my head in understanding and look around the rest of the room. I see two doors and open the first one which is a walk-in closet. It's a little bit bigger than the closet I had at home. After I walk out, I then go to the door on the right wall of the room. I open the door and see a smaller bathroom with a door across from the door that leads to my room, but before I can open the door, I hear Cade say my name. I walk back into the room and see Cade slowly walk out of the room mentioning something about going downstairs to meet everyone else. I get the hint and follow him to the stairs. He helps me down the same way he helped me up and led me to the kitchen where there was a boy who looked to be 12 or 13 years old eating a huge bowl of ice-cream.

"This is my brother, Carter, the 12-year-old" Cade says. I smile at him and he smiles back in return. Cade just turn towards the way we came in and starts to walk out. I say a little 'hi' and quickly follow Cade out the door as quickly as I can on crutches.

"So you live with your brothers?" I ask as we walk to God knows where.

"Yes, and a couple others" he responds as we end up in a game room where there were four others. I recognized one of them as the man in the first car from in Kentucky.

"This is Jason, the 20-year-old" Cade says as he points to a boy who looks to be a lot like Cade, but not as old and not as attractive. Jason smiles at me and gives a small wave.

"This is James, he's 24-years-old. He was with us in Kentucky" Cade says confirming my suspicion. He looks nothing like Cade or Jason, and I can obviously tell they're not related. James has blonde hair and blue eyes, while Cade has brown hair and green eyes.

"This is Luke, Jason's twin" Cade continues pointing to a boy who looks identical to Jason.

"And lastly, this is Justin. He's 21-years-old" Cade says pointing at the last boy who had black hair and looked to be older than all the boys but Cade and James. I wave at all of them and introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Wynter" I say slightly smiling. I get a little awkward around new people, but not as bad as Ari. Speaking of which, where is Ari?

"Where is Ari?" I ask turning towards Cade.

"Oh yeah, she should be in her room with Ryder" he answers. I immediately walk out of the game room as fast as I can on crutches. I go towards the steps and don't have to wait for Cade to catch up, seeing that I was slow enough for him to keep up. He carries me up the stairs and leads the way to her room, which happens to right next to my room. I fling the door open to see Ari sitting on her bed with her back leaning against the wall while playing her phone. I also see who I assume is Ryder sitting at the foot of her bed on his phone. The noise of the door open gets both of their attention and when Ari see me, she jumps out of the bed and runs towards me. She plows me over in a hug and nearly makes me lose my balance.

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